This has not been the year for Kennedy Street and even though she has had some key wins, she’s also suffered some key losses. That on top of her cousin Kelcey Wallace going into a coma. The death of Ricky Octavius which she was not close to but definitely felt the pain knowing many that were. There were issues with her daughter, Sonia as her father Damian Angel’s shadow was always there hovering. All the antics that Chris and Sienna had thrown at her were just too much at the time for Kennedy Street. The Truelove Twins were ousted, they were taken in by Trinity and Kennedy, a way to reach out the Olive Branch. For Kennedy though things have been tough all around, the few shining moments have been her movie coming out, Resistance Earth where she plays the evil Queen Alien and her marriage to Jonathan Knots which has been everything she could wish for. Kennedy had been going to a psychologist, she started to get those Keenie feelings back. With her brother also out of house arrest and back into society, it has Kennedy a bit nervous especially now that he has a new woman in his life that eerily looks a lot like herself.

None of that right now matters as Kennedy wants nothing more than to walk into RTG XVI and defeat the two of the best even if it wasn’t the match she wanted. There war a lot of pressure from her family, especially her mother, Madeleine who had taken an interest in her career which usually was never the case when it came to the Matriarch of the Street Family. With so much riding on the line and Kennedy’s Hollywood career starting to blossom thanks to Shaun Cruze, it is the only reason why Kennedy has not kicked Owen in the face and simply establish her spot and dominance….

She needed to hear it from Shaun first.

Resistance Earth Wrap Up Party

Three Weeks Ago

Burbank, CA.


Kennedy was standing there looking sexy as ever with Jonathan Knots. She was wearing a one-piece blue dinner dress, her hair straightened and hanging down. She was perfectly made up with her long sharp nails, open toed heels polished a matte peach. Knots was in slacks and a dress shirt with vest, she was talking to some of her cast, this a few days after Owen Cruze lambasted her on TV about the match and went ahead asking for Sasha for the chance to face Chris Cannon and Sienna Swann, even alone. Kennedy didn’t hold back on Twitter, even after months of Giovanni Aries attacking her about Cruze, at this point she didn’t care. Kennedy was one person that was going to let things roll off her back now. She stands there sipping a glass of wine when Shaun approaches her…


Kennedy: “I was wondering when you were going to come over and talk to me, honey.”

KennedyCastPic-ShaunShaun: “Was it that obvious?”

Kennedy: “Oh, I don’t know. You have been acting totally weird toward me the last day or so and I figured it had everything to do with your nephew being a complete asshole to me when it was not necessary. I think I have done enough in this business to warrant a little respect and not him trying to question my integrity or dedication to the wrestling industry.”

Shaun: “Yeah, about that. Hey Jon….”

Knots: “Cruze.”

Shaun: “Enjoying the party?”

Knots: “Yeah, this is pretty cool. Will be even better when I see my blue wife on the big screen. Sexy Flawless Alien.”


Jonny always had a way with words, honey….


Kennedy: “He’s right, I am a Sexy Flawless Alien. I think that my acting prowess was second to none, what do you think, Jonny?”

KennedyCastPic-Knots1Knots: “Watch out Meryl Streep.”

Shaun: “You definitely stole the movie Kennedy, can’t deny that. Jon, do you mind if I talk to Kennedy in private for a few, fella?”

Knots: “No, go right ahead if that is what she wants. But if you upset her, I don’t care how big and bad you are…. Get it?”

Shaun: “Don’t worry my friend, I reckon’ you’ll come and kick my ass if I did. Kennedy, can we?”

Kennedy: “Sure, I’ll be right back, honey.”


I gave Jonny a kiss, he was a real warrior, never flinched, anything I needed he was there. I couldn’t ask for anything more from a husband. I followed Shaun outside the party and into the studio, sipping my drink, I was ready to hear what he had to say, how he was going to defend Owen especially after the nasty things he said and the way he acted. Sure, I was defiant in a way with my mannerisms, but I had a right to be. I was sick and tired of people constantly disrespecting me…..


Shaun: “Okay, before I start, what Owen said to you was way out of line.”

Kennedy: “You think!?”

Shaun: “I need to explain the situation here so that you have a better understanding of what is really going on. Owen has been through a lot in his life lately and….”

KennedyCastPic-Kennedy2Kennedy: “Haven’t we all Shaun? We go through this daily grind every single day. I was seeing a therapist for the last six months, I was teetering with a nervous breakdown, I have not been able to be myself since I have SUCKED since RTG last year, I cannot for the life of me get my footing and then find myself mindlessly looking for answers that I seem to never find. I get what it is like being under a lot of pressure and having to live up to a certain standard, the kid needs to get it together, Shaun. I didn’t deserve what he said to me. It wasn’t just that, he knew how much I wanted that match with Chris and still sniped me for it. Would I have done the same to him? Of course not. At this point, I don’t even know anymore.”

Shaun: “I hope the movie at least gave you an escape.”

Kennedy: “Honey, spending more than half my day swinging from cables and acting out the part of an alien in front of a green screen was a dream come true, it was very therapeutic.”


It actually was, a nice getaway from the crazy normality of life in general.  Doing the movies did wonders for me, filming those TV episodes for that show, Greed, I could get used to this kind of lifestyle. Shaun though was going to try and convince me to go easy on Owen, that was definitely easier said than done….


Shaun: “I’m glad to hear. Back to Owen, Kennedy…. He’s really intense right now, what Chris and Sienna have done to Kelcey and what they are doing with this For The People….”

Kennedy: “Preaching to the choir.”

Shaun: “I know Kennedy, I am trying here to explain.”

Kennedy: “Explain? Do you want to know the ONLY reason I didn’t kick him in the face after he said that to me was YOU. Shaun, you have been awesome and if it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t have had this Hollywood gig. I am forever indebted to you, honey but let say this, had that not been the case? Owen would be picking up his teeth off the ground. He had NO right to steal my match and he NO right to question my integrity, MINE of all people who had to battle her way back from basically career suicide and obscurity to finally get some respect after the whole Keenie debacle. After YEARS of fighting and busting my ass to finally get somewhere and become World Champion, he questions that?!”

Shaun: “He had no right and….”

Kennedy: “…. And on top of that, I MAIN EVENTED RTG XV last year and WON. He has a lot of balls that little shit to humiliate me like that on TV and in front of my sister! Just know that if he gets in my way at RTG XVI, if he costs me what I have been waiting for almost a year, if he somehow steals from me what I have been busting my ass for away because he thinks it’s cute or funny!? I promise with God as my witness, I will kick his teeth down his throat!”


I was lit up, angry and annoyed. Owen Cruze had finally pushed my buttons and I was ready to push back. I probably shouldn’t have taken it out on Shaun as he really had nothing to do with this, but he was the nearest Cruze, so fuck it honey….


Shaun: “I get it and….”

Kennedy: ”… and… to make matters worse….”

Shaun: “Kennedy! Stop for as moment and let me talk!”

Kennedy: “Rude.”

Shaun: “No, I am not being rude, I am trying to explain to you why this is happening with Owen and you won’t listen! He has been going through a lot and his uncle was trying to extortion money from him. Long story short, he tried to kill Owen, first with the brake line, luckily, he wasn’t in the car thought here was one fatality that also put his mom in the hospital in serious condition. When it came out that Finn was trying to kill Owen, he came out and turned a gun on himself in front of the kid, Kennie.”


Shit…. Honey…


Kennedy: “Jesus.”

Shaun: “He’s not in the right frame of mind, we are trying to get him to see someone now, much like most of us have in the past. I know that what he said has no excuse, but this is a lot to deal with for a 19-year-old kid that lost his dad and now is going through stuff that most of us don’t even see in a lifetime. He’s a good man, Kennedy, life has just dealt him a really bad hand recently and he doesn’t know how to deal with it. What he said to you, that anger, it wasn’t toward you.”

Kennedy: “It was toward me but that is okay honey. I understand now where this is coming from, doesn’t mean I am going to forgive or forget any of this, that’s for sure. I will do figure something out, I don’t appreciate being called out like that after my service to SCW by a guy who has been there a little over a year. I’m getting back to the party.”

Shaun: “Me too… thanks for listening.”

Kennedy: “Thanks for telling me the truth, no one deserves that.’


As we walk back out to the party, Jonny is there waiting for me with another drink in hand, that is my husband, never a dull moment and always thinking ahead. I grab it out of his hands, taking a sip….


Knots: “Well?”

Kennedy: “We had a conversation, he explained to me what was going on, I listened, I get it and I can understand why he went off on me. I just need to make it work, Jonny.”

Knots: “I know it’s not the match you wanted; it is though the match you need. Take full advantage of it and make it your own. Last year you Main evented, this year it may not be the last match, but it will be damn close. Take control, you’re good at that.”

Kennedy: “I am.”


He was right, it wasn’t what I wanted but it was definitely what I needed. The rest of the night was for us to enjoy, we wrapped up my first movie and the premiere along with all the different promotional interviews and such were going to be a joy. I was excited for this next chapter in my life, all I had to do now is bring things back to full circle….

And I didn’t care if Owen and I were on the same page or not, something was going to give….

It sure as hell wasn’t going to be me.  


Private Care Facility

Santa Monica Mountains, CA.

One Week Ago


Kennedy and Trinity wanted to see Kelcey Wallace, it seemed like it was always a struggle to get access to see their cousin especially from the resistance that the Beauty Factory and For The People movement was giving them. Kennedy stood outside the facility in jeans, thong sandals and a white blouse, her nails polished a naked color. Her long hair hung down while she crossed her arms in annoyance. Trinity was with her in jeans, a black blouse and wedge sandals, her nails polished black and long hair in a ponytail. The security guard shook his head while looking for their name. This was the same routine that they have been going through since Chris Cannon and Sienna Swann had taken her to the private facility. After all the stuff that happened with Ricky Octavius, Kelcey in many ways was neglected for a week or so. Trinity and Kennedy wanted nothing more than to make sure that she was alright and unfortunately with Chris having the power of attorney, their hands were tied. The security scrolls down, Trinity finally had enough and harped at the guard, tired of the games….


KennedyCastPic-Trinity2Trinity: “Listen to me flower, we have been asking to see my cousin for weeks. Finally, I get a phone call earlier today informing us that we are allowed to finally see her. Now you are telling me that we are not on the list?”

Security: “I see your names on the list, but it is access denied unless Mr. Cannon or Ms. Swann are here.”

Kennedy: “You’re kidding us, right?”

Security: “No ma’am. In order for me to give you badges to access the facility, I need for either Mr. Cannon or Ms. Swann to be present and I know that right now neither one of them are available.”

Trinity: “Sir, we traveled from the basin through the bloody canyon just to get here. It took us over an hour and a half of our busy days as we both dropped everything, we were doing with our families to come and see our cousin that we have not been allowed to see since they moved her form Orlando five weeks ago. Do you think that It is fair to us, her REAL blood family to be standing out here practically begging you to let us in!? Please, we are asking you, even if it’s for a few minutes, let us see Kelcey.”

Security: “Ma’am, I have strict orders.”


For some reason, I had a feeling this was going to happen. God forbid if Sienna and Chris can actually do something nice for once. I had enough of this. I wanted to see Kelcey and there was no way that we were leaving without seeing her at least to make sure that she was okay. I took a breather and turned to Trinity who knew exactly what I was thinking….


Kennedy: “Officer…. Curry?”

Security: “Yes ma’am.”

Kennedy: “Do you know who we are?”

Security: “Yes ma’am, Kennedy and Trinity Street. World champion wrestlers and you are starting to act.”

Kennedy: “Ah good, so you do know a lot about me honey. What if I were to tell you that you can be my date to the movie premiere of Resistance Earth, my new movie coming out. Think about it Officer Curry….”

Security: “You can call me Donald, ma’am.”

Kennedy: “Why thank you! Donald, call me Kennie, please. Imagine, you and I walking down the red carpet to a huge Hollywood premiere, what would your friends and family say about that?”

Security: “They would say that I am the luckiest son of a gun in the world. They all think you are gorgeous.”


Blushing time and the sarcastic Hollywood laugh kick in….


Kennedy: “Oh stop it, you are making me blush! Donald, I know that this is one big huge misunderstanding and if Chris or Sienna could be here they would let us inside to see Kelcey who we are worried sick about her and if you do know your wrestling, then you can see how we are so close.”

Security: “Yes ma’am, I remember when you kicked her in the face and stuck your toes in her mouth….”


Trinity’s eyes widen, she then looks away as I stand here a bit lost for words trying to figure out how to play this off…..


Kennedy: “That was a huge misunderstanding.  She took my head off a few weeks later, tit for tat, besides that was so long ago.”

Security: “I understand. Kennie, I can let you and Trinity in for about 5 minutes and that is it, I will need you to cooperate and when the five minutes are up, you must come out. I cannot get fired from this job; I need it.”

Kennedy: “Honey, after what you just did, you will never have to worry about being unemployed again. Thank you for this. I will keep my promise and we will have a good time. Thank you.”

Security: “Thank you Kennie. Five minutes.”


Trinity and I get our badges and we both quickly get inside to the room where Kelcey is in. She was still in her coma, peaceful and quiet, it looked like they were taking really good care of her, looking healthy and all made up. I grabbed her hand, kissed her on the forehead….


KennedyCastPic-KennedyShootKennedy: “Hey cousin, wake up…. We are here.”

Trinity: “I wish she would open her eyes. Anything to get her out of here. I am just glad that it worked. Are you really going to take him to the movie premiere?”

Kennedy: “I am, I keep my word. The facility is nice to say the least, they are taking good care of her. That doesn’t change much of anything but at least we both know that she isn’t in some dive or something.”

Trinity: “No, but the more they keep controlled, the more we lose her day by day. We need to get her out of here.”

Kennedy: “What, like now?”

Trinity: “No, not now. Kelcey maybe about 120 lbs. soaking wet but dead weight we couldn’t carry that out of here.”

Kennedy: “You’re serious?”

Trinity: “No love, it was just a thought. I wanted to make sure that she was being cared for, that is all. They keep her clean, shaven, prim and proper, I can’t say anything bad about the care, just the two wankers that are doing it is all. It bugs the hell out of me but that’s okay, long as the two of us know she is in good hands.”


Hate to admit it, the facility is really nice, and they are giving her the best care, I can’t knock that on Sienna or Chris even if I want to throw them both down the mountain. Our time was almost up, staring down at Kelcey, I missed her loud and obnoxious laugh, thinking about her being away from her kid and knowing what lies ahead when she wakes up is what was really bothersome. I felt like my hands were tied. That hopeless feeling no one ever wants to have…..

I have it.

Trinity and I look at each other before finally walking out as we could see Donald entering to get us out. I kiss him on the cheek and rub his chest, made his day as he made mine….

No harm, no foul, we were able to see Kelcey even if it was just for a few short minutes.


Later That Day

Street Manor

Beverly Hills, CA.


After barely able to see Kelcey for just a short amount of time, Kennedy was not in the best of moods. She was with her sister as they went to go visit her parents. The two stepped out of the car and went inside. For Kennedy, things were just accumulating, they were getting worse and worse as it all played out. It was hard for Kennedy to control her emotions, it’s not like she was even getting what she wanted though a version of it and that was enough, settle for it instead of trying to fight the norm and look like the bad girl for any resistance would label Kennedy that and it was the last thing she wanted though at the same time she had the right to be upset, angry and lash out on everyone that has questioned her integrity.

Trinity saw it, her job was to control her sister best she could, knowing that Kennedy was emotional and at times she had a hard time controlling them, matter of fact Kennedy would be reactive and worry about consequences later, a Street trait shown throughout the family though for Kennedy she was more subtle about it, waiting patiently until something pushed her over the edge. Her mother was more opinionated, she wasn’t one to hold her tongue and Kennedy knew that going inside. She sighed, turned to glance over at her sister who nodded…


Kennedy: “I know…..”

Trinity: “She’s going to give you the third degree, probably all of us for that matter. I don’t know what has gotten into mum lately, but she has a sudden interest in your career. Some points are valid, others not so much.”

Kennedy: “She was heavily involved for years. Now it seems like she is trying to look out for me. I know that I have had mental issues in the past and….”

Trinity: “Kennie, stop. You don’t have mental issues; you had a trigger. We all have them, most people just deal with it differently. This thing you have been going through, you are working through it.”

Kennedy: “Lexi, I wanted to hurt Owen, badly when he spoke out of turn to me. Had you not been there, I don’t know what I had done. It might be all flowers and sunshine some days, others I feel darkness, I can hear her voice talking to me. Its my own mental psyche but what if that hurts Jonny? Sonia? It’s bad enough I must decide whether to take my daughter to the Hall of Fame so she can see her father inducted, then deal with Chris and Sienna who have both had their way with me for the past year. Maybe I should step away, just make movies for a while. I’m not talking about retirement, just a break.”

Trinity: “I have done that too Kennedy. We all need a break, but this business needs the Streets.”

Kennedy: “And I need my family, my daughter not to hate me. A good healthy marriage though he will; be on the road a lot so that doesn’t solve much. I don’t know what to think right now, all I want to do is get RTG over with, finish this once and for all and if that little fucker steals away what I have been asking for months….”


I was starting to get worked up again and it scared me. I don’t know what it was, my emotions were all over the place at times. I wish that I knew jhow to keep them in check. There was a time when I could, I tried so hard to cut away from the norm and eliminate this Keenie persona. I worked too damn hard to build my reputation and yet somehow it seemed easier and justified to just look Owen in the face and kick him where it hurts…..


Trinity: “Don’t.”

Kennedy: “What?”

Trinity: “I know what you are thinking, stop.”

Kennedy: “How do you know what I am thinking?!”

Trinity: “Let’s just go inside and get this over with. We have a long road ahead of us love and this it is only going to get more difficult as it goes. Can we at least agree on that?”

Kennedy: “We are on the same page when it comes to everything, Trinity. You know that. I just can’t stand the fact that I am in this position now. I am better than this and I have a kid dictating who I fight and who I wrestle.”

Trinity: “No. You still are in control and don’t forget that.”


She was right but for some reason I felt like I was losing it slowly but surely. Going into my parents’ home, I was expecting a lecture. My mother doesn’t like anyone talking down to me. I started to get out of the car, Lexi followed and took lead as we entered the house. My mother was in the back patio with tea, scones and crumpets already served up waiting for us. Lexi and I walked outside where she stood up and greeted us with a kiss on each cheek. We sat down, pouring us all a glass of tea before adding the sugar and a few lumps. I sat there; my eyes shifted toward Lexi ….


Madeleine: “What is this boy’s problem?”


That didn’t take long…..


Kennedy: “He’s had a bad hand dealt to him, mother.”

KennedyCastPic-Madeleine2Madeleine: “That is the excuse for talking down to you that way?”

Kennedy: “No, it is not an excuse but at nineteen and me being thirty-one, a twelve-year advantage where I have experiences what his going through in a broader range of time. It doesn’t excuse him for the disrespect, I just think that I have a better understanding now of his emotional state.”

Madeleine: “And you are teaming with this boy at RTG?”

Kennedy: “His name is Owen, mother and he’s not a boy.”

Madeleine: “If he talks to you in that manner, he is a boy, Kennedy. You Main evented last year, what happened now?”

Kennedy: “I haven’t had the best of years mother. After I lost the title, I have had a lot of ups and downs, I haven’t been able to get my footing right, I have suffered from some nagging injuries that have prevented me from competing. I was one of the top wrestlers in the world and now I am simply trying to survive.”


Immediately my mother turns to Lexi, I knew the minute that I admitted my career was shit compare to what it was this same time last year that she would point the finger at her….


Madeleine: “What happened?”

Trinity: “We had some roadblocks and lately it has been this issue with Kelcey, the death of Ricky Octavius, this stuff with Owen, Kennedy and her ribs. We are trying to mend fences, pick up the pieces and move on. Rise to Greatness is our chance and I want to take full advantage of it. Owen Cruze is her partner, we can’t change that now mum, all we can do is work with what we have.”

Madeleine: “Do you agree with this Kennedy?”


I nod, didn’t have much else to add at the moment, except sip my tea…..


Madeleine: “What is our last name?”

Kennedy: “Street.”

Madeleine: “Has the wrestling world not feared this name for so long?”

Trinity: “They have. Mum, this is a rough pasture we are going through right now and I think that long as we get focused on the task at hand that we can accomplish whatever the hell we want to. We both know that Kennedy can beat Sienna, she’s already proven that twice at Retribution and in her Interim Championship match. As for Chris, I know Kennedy can beat him too. She will be ready.”

Madeleine: “How are you feeling, Kennedy?”

Kennedy: “I am fine, why?”

Madeleine: “No urges?”

Kennedy: “There is always an urge to do something mother, I don’t think I will ever be urge free. I would love to go shopping right now, tat is an urge. I would love to throw Sienna Swann off a three-story building, that is a urge, I would love to kick Chris Cannon in the bollocks, that is an urge….”

Madeleine: “And?”


I stayed quiet for a moment before I finally spoke…..


Kennedy: “What do you want me to say mother? Kick Owen in the face?”

Madeleine: “Do you?”

Kennedy: “Yes.”

Trinity: “Kennedy…”

Kennedy: “I am trying to be transparent here, okay? It hurts you know? I have done everything right, I followed the rules, I have done all that was asked of me, yet this is the way I am treated. Do I feel betrayed? Yes, in a way I do.”

Trinity: “I understand…. By Owen….”

Kennedy: “No, by this company!”

Trinity: “Kennedy? How?”

KennedyCastPic-KennedyKennedy: “Why did he leave me? Why did Mr. D, the man that I looked up to as a father leave when he knew that Katya was going to be put in charge and she is the one that set me up, everything that happened was her fault on the first Breakdown of this year. That’s right and when I had Owen beat, when I was ready to make him tap, Chris spears us both and pins us at the same time. Who didn’t get hurt? Owen… but I did. The next week Katya berated me, she wanted me to show my true colors.”

Trinity: “You didn’t and then I punched her.”

Kennedy: “Yes, YOU punched her and look what happened? They suspended you, I was alone, I was lost in the roster, all I wanted was another chance at the World Championship and instead I was buried with Katya in charge, special referee or no, doesn’t make a bit of a difference, honey. I was not allowed to do what I am best at. It sucked; it was not the road I wanted to take…. And it was all because Mr. D decided to pack his things and leave his daughters in charge. Then? Sasha took charge. Owen, Selena, Regan and I put her there. Sure, she gave me the chance to be Interim Champion but after that who debacle? Then what? Nothing… after Chris hurt me again, nothing. Then I thought about what Katya said, I didn’t want to come off like that either. There was no way I would prove Katya right in my demands for Chris that he kept turning down…..”


I was pouring my heart out; it was feelings I had inside that up until now I didn’t want to unload. Maybe it was time that I walked into RTG XVI with a clear conscience and not this woman that I had become. I had a right to be angry, to be upset, even in my demands. I was not going to take It anymore. I lowered my head, Trinity with an air of disappointment stared me down. My mother sipped her tea. She wanted me to confess my feelings, psychoanalyze me……


Kennedy: “So I should have just done it. I should have gone and demanded the match. I didn’t and instead I let Owen take it from me and if I hadn’t accepted being his partner, where would I be right now? Where would I fit on the card? In the pre-show participating in a battle royal? Sure, I get a US title or Adrenaline Title match, never wore either one of those belts. Can’t face Kandis who threw me out the Taking Hold of the Flame, she’s a champion now. So, what would I do? I didn’t have a choice; I accepted the match. With all this stuff going on to Kelcey and this past month with the death of Ricky, I feel like I have already lost…..”

Trinity: “How can you say that when everything can come full circle at RTG XVI?”

Kennedy: “It could honey. Then again, what of I lose to them for what? The third, fourth time? I then failed because I should have been more assertive, I shouldn’t have allowed Owen to take what was mine. That was all my fault.”

Madeleine: “I am glad that you are open with us Kennedy. What you feel and now you can’t pull any punches.”

Trinity: “Mum, don’t tell her that. Encourage her to do the right thing and now what she feels is necessary. How hard have you worked to repair this reputation?”

Kennedy: “Hard.”

Trinity: “Then keep fighting at it, be Kennedy Street, the Sexy Flawless Diva.”

Madeleine: “Or be Kennedy Street, the daughter who never took a backseat to anyone. Control those urges and use them when see fit, like your sister.”

Trinity: “That was a long time ago.”

Madeleine: “That was last year. How many years have you inspired your sister and now for the first time ever you want to hold her back from doing what is right for her? “

Trinity: “I am doing what is right for her, why all of a sudden are you acting like this?”


I stood up; I couldn’t take it anymore. I didn’t want to be in the middle of an argument between my sister and mother…..


Madeleine: “Where are you going?”

Kennedy: “I need to get out of here, some time alone, I don’t care at this point.”

Trinity: “Kennedy? I’ll come with you.”

Kennedy: “No, do you need an Uber?”

Madeleine: “She can take one of the cars. Stay here, I’ll make us some tea sandwiches….”

Kennedy: “No, I need to deal with this my own way… alone.  Lexi I’ll call you later, bye mother.”


Trinity knew better than to try and stop me. Now that me real feelings were out in the open at least to my family, I needed to just find some bar and have a couple of cocktails honey before I break out in hives over the stress, I am putting myself through. I hopped in the car, didn’t know where I was going so I headed toward Burbank, home. Figured I would pas through Hollywood, plenty of places there I could hide myself in until I went home to Jonny and Sofia. I needed to figure this out now….

There was no other time…

It was critical because the last thing I was ready to do was drag my family into my own emotional roller coaster.

Déjà Vu

Hollywood, CA.

Later that Night


This was not normal of Kennedy Street. She felt compelled to sit at the stage of a strip club, she had done her time on the pole for shits and giggles, never professional. Crossing her legs, she sipped from her Vodka Tonic, there were many men approaching her, but Kennedy wanted nothing to do with them. She needed to find a place no one would be looking for her. All she wanted was some time to think about things, her career was at a crossroad and there was too much on the line riding on Kennedy and this match at RTG XVI. What if she lost? What if she found herself going by her inhibitions and not her gut feelings or heart. She had a husband to go home to, a daughter that wanted to share experiences and yet Kennedy was afraid it seemed to want and deal with it all.

One of the strippers danced in front of her, Kennedy pulled out a $20 and put it in her panty liner. She continued to sip her drink when someone sit next to her…..

“Pretty isn’t she?”

Her eyes widened, she knew that voice, turning to see her brother Donovan in jeans, a t-shirt and boots. He grabbed her thigh and whispered in her ear….

“Don’t make a scene, I’m not gonna hurt you, sis.”

Her body tightened up; he was the one man she was deftly afraid of. In some sense, Kennedy knew that Donovan wouldn’t cause a scene in public but if he was there, it meant that he was following her. She turned to face him….


Kennedy: “You were following me.”

KennedyCastPic-DonovanStreetNEWDonovan: “Aye. Guilty as charged. Don’t get your knickers ibn a bunch. This is a private place and I have no interest in making a scene either. I just want to talk and after that, I will leave you alone.”

Kennedy: “We have nothing to talk about.”

Donovan: “No? I beg to differ lil’ sis. Come on, what are you drinking?”

Kennedy: “Vodka Tonic.”

Donovan: “House?”

Kennedy: “Don’t insult me, I drink the good stuff honey not some cheap shit.”

Donovan: “Aye…. Waitress, another Vodka tonic for me sister, Grey Goose XV, I’ll take a Guinness.”


As the waitress leaves, I look down at my drink, trying not to make too much eye contact with Donovan. Being this close to him makes me nervous and almost petrified in fear. It is a gut reaction I have always had for a long time, every time he even touches me, I tense, like now….


Donovan: “Look, I need you to relax. I simply want to talk and to my surprise when I saw you and Lexi show up at mums, I was compelled to walk inside and talk to you then but I figured mum and dad wouldn’t want me anywhere near them so I refrained. Then you came here, and I was colored shocked. This is my kinda place, not yours. I’m going to take a guess; you’re having a crisis of faith.  It’s that time again when your heart speaks one thing and your mind tells you different, eh?”

Kennedy: “Stop trying to pretend you know me, Donnie.”

Donovan: “That’s the thing Kennie, I do know you better than anyone. It’s why I have always been interested in your career, your life, these bloody wankers and tossers you surround yourself with. I will say though, I kinda like your husband, that bloke has a steel set of bollocks when he speaks and knowing that half the time he can’t back it up but says it anyway knowing he can get his ass handed to him, speaks volumes on how brave that man is and the lengths he’d go to protect you sis. The rest of these people though outside the fam? They are a bunch of twats and you know it.”

Kennedy: “They are my friends.”

Donovan: “Friends? Your BAE friend, the one that convinced you to press charges on me that locked me up on House arrest for over a year? How easily she came to that little fuckers’ defense, Owen right?”

Kennedy: “He’s dating her daughter; I didn’t expect anything less.”

Donovan: “No? Not even that she never gave you the benefit of the doubt? I do remember you carrying that old cunt to the tag team titles so she could be a Supreme Champion. Has she returned the favor? Has anyone for that matter helped you become a Supreme Champion? Seems to me like you are doing a lot of the giving and they are doing a lot of the taking. What about Simon? You know, the man who for the longest time was the love of your life? He seems awfully close to Amy to and since I hear her vagina is like Motel 6, they always leave the light on, it wouldn’t surprise me if they….”

Kennedy: “… stop it. I don’t want to hear it. They would never hook up. Amy knows how much I care for him, that would be a slap in the face.”

Donovan: “Yeah it would.”


He was trying to manipulate, I know this. Though he did have some pretty valid points it is not what I needed when I wanted to figure things out on my own. The waitress dropped off the drinks….


KennedyCastPic-Kennedy3Kennedy: “I’m not stupid Donnie, I know exactly what you are trying to do, and it isn’t going to work.”

Donovan: “What I am trying to do love? I have been sitting at home watching this shit unfold in front of my very eyes, okay? I have seen my little sister been thrown around like a fucking rag doll the last year after RTG XV. I cried when you won, holding up the World Championship. I was so damn proud of you that day and just a few weeks later it came crashing down and then there was nothing. Since then, what have they done for you? Insult? Defame? Some young snippy bint with power calls you out in front of TV and it’s okay? You win the ownership for the other one and your match at RTG this year as hijacked?”

Kennedy: “What the hell do you want, Donnie?”

Donovan: “I want to see Kennedy Street succeed. I want to see you win at RTG and then go on to be the best in the world and not some bloody bombshell from Kensington or some hack Jewish barbie doll from Pittsburgh. YOU, the woman that has beaten everyone including the World Champion on many occasions. You are the MAIN EVENT; you are the BEST in the World. What has happened to you the last year is criminal. I’m not here to hurt you physically Kennedy, those days are long gone. It was about tough love then, I think you get it now, you just don’t want to admit it. Your friends on the other hand? Those that claim to have your best interest at heart? That’s a totally different story right there because I see the truth, the line drawn in the sand and most of them are using you for their fame, leaving you all behind. That little bastard took your match, he stole your moment and now you have to play along like the good company woman after you helped put them in power? Lexi knows it, she just wants you to not damage the reputation you’ve built the last three years but ask yourself something sis…. What reputation is that.”

Kennedy: “The one that everyone respects me.”

Donovan: “Respect? Is that what you’re looking for? Do you know what they respect? The STREET name. You never have to earn respect Kennedy, you had that the day you were born, love. Just remember one thing…. Nobody respects the weak.”


He stood up and downed his Guinness, took out a few bucks and dropped it on the table, he then turns and hands some to the stripper on stage before turning back to me….


Donovan: “That little fucker, Owen? In one paragraph he tore down everything that you stand for. Chris and Sienna? They will always have your number until you stop caring about this reputation and start caring about your legacy. Enjoy the drink lil’ sis, I’ll be watching RTG XVI.”


He started to walk off, I was shocked that all he wanted to do was talk. For a split second I wanted to stop him, I didn’t want him to leave. It scares me right now that he makes sense. He was right, I had become weak and a push over….

He was right.

I sipped my drink and sat back, closing my eyes for a second and letting this all digest. For the first time in a long time….

My brother spoke truth.

I sat there for about another hour and headed home. When I arrived, Sonia was asleep on the couch, Jonny was on the laptop on the patio looking out at cactus garden. I walked outside and sat on his lap, hugging him. I just needed to be with him right now, nothing else mattered.


Knots Home

Burbank, CA.

The Following Day


Kennedy was up early, in the kitchen in pajama shorts and a matching tank top, barefoot making coffee and breakfast, continental of course, Kennedy cooking anything is a national disaster. The Sexy Flawless Diva opened up a can of jam and started making a platter. She sipped on her coffee some, hearing a noise coming from the bedrooms. Sonia walked out rubbing her eyes and sitting on the bar, she was still in her pajamas. Kennedy came home late, the meeting with her brother was unexpected, he aid down the law, told her exactly his intentions and while she didn’t like it and would do anything to stop it, at the same time she felt very relieved that two years ago he was beating her to a bloody pulp but this time she was able to walk off unharmed, untouched and for her that was progress. Explaining to her husband last night where she was, is all a part of her being honest with him. She didn’t want any secrets between her and Knots, he probably would have enjoyed the club too. She stands quiet, cutting the fruit while Sonia sits across from her. She can feel that her daughter is about to ask her questions, was Kennedy ready for them?

Kennedy does her best to continue cutting and not looking up….


KennedyCastPic-SoniaSonia: “You came home late last night?”

Kennedy: “Yes honey, you were asleep on the couch.”

Sonia: “I was tired, I tried to wait up for you. I wanted to show you some cool things I created on my iPad.”

Kennedy: “Really? Okay, you can show me after breakfast.”

Sonia: “Is everything alright?”

Kennedy: “Yes, everything is okay, why do you ask?”

Sonia: “It seems like you don’t want to talk to me.”


Lowering the knife on the counter, I turned to look at Sonia, just that she said that alone irritated me. Of course, I want to talk to her, see her, spend all kinds of time with her, the problem is I don’t trust myself right now, I want to be the best parent I can. I turn to her and sigh….


Kennedy: “Sonia, I want to spend as much time as I can with you. There is no doubt about it, I am going to do wat I can after the RTG break for just you and me, I promise. I am going through some tings right now and I think you’re smart and old enough to understand them.”

Sonia: “You are not alone; I am here for you. I think that is why this is happening, you always think that everything is your battle, it’s not. It’s ours. One day when you start trusting in this family, maybe you will realize that. I love you no matter what. There is a reason my mom chose you to be my guardian after she passed. I might be a kid but I’m not stupid.”

Kennedy: “No, you’re not. You are smarter than me.”

Sonia: “No, you just never give yourself enough credit for what you do. You are the strongest woman I know; you are also your own worst enemy. All you must do is follow your gut instinct, that’s it. Even my dad taught me that one.”

Kennedy: “Your father is an evil man.”

Sonia: “Yes, but he is a man not some supernatural monster. All you must do is be yourself, if people are going to judge you on that, so be it. You know who taught me that?”

Kennedy: “No.”


She smiled and pointed at me….


Sonia: “You did.”

Kennedy: “And sadly I already forgot. Because I do not practice what I preach. You know what? Forget making breakfast, we are going out for pancakes.”

Sonia: “Really!?”

Kennedy: “Yeah, go tell Jonny, I’ll be in a second to change. Sonia….”


She stops midway and turns around….


Kennedy: “Thank you.”

Sonia: “No… just Rise to Greatness, mom.”

Kennedy: “I will.”


She smiled and walked over to the bedrooms. I stood there for a moment and grabbed my phone, I was hesitant about this, but I think it was time that both her and I faced our fears together. She made it a point, follow my gut instinct and she’s right though some people may not like what that is….

At this point I didn’t care.

I had to start thinking about me, about my family…. About Sonia….

And that is why I reserved three tickets to the Hall of Fame.

She can watch her father be inducted and I can remember just who the hell I am….

The Sexy Flawless Diva…..

Kennedy Street.











The Scene Opens….


Pioneer Plaza is a large public park located in the Convention Center District of downtown Dallas, Texas. It contains a large sculpture and is a heavily visited tourist site. Adjacent to the plaza is the Pioneer Park Cemetery which features the Confederate War Memorial. The land on which the plaza sits, once railroad and warehouse property, was cleared for the 900-foot tall hotel and office Dallas Tower which was part of the failed Griffin Square development. The plaza and its accompanying sculpture were the idea of real estate developer Trammell Crow who wanted an iconic “Western” sculpture in the city of Dallas and assembled a group to donate the sculptures. The $9 million project was begun in 1992 on 4.2 acres of land donated by the City of Dallas; $4.8 million of the cost came from private funds raised from individuals and local businesses. Local artists sued to stop the project and claimed that it was historically inaccurate for the city, but the project opened on time in 1994. Today the park is maintained by the adjacent Dallas Convention Center and is the second most visited tourist attraction in downtown Dallas. As a work in progress, an additional steer is occasionally added to the herd.

The large sculpture commemorates nineteenth century cattle drives that took place along the Texas Road, the earliest and easternmost route by which Texas longhorn cattle were taken to northern railheads. The trail passed through Austin, Waco and Dallas until the Chisolm Trail siphoned off most of the traffic in 1867. The 49 bronze steers and 3 trail riders sculptures were created by artist Robert Summers of Glen Rose. Texas. Each steer is larger-than-life at six feet high; all together the sculpture is the largest bronze monument of its kind in the world. Set along an artificial ridge and past a man-made limestone cliff, native landscaping with a flowing stream and waterfall help create the dramatic effect. Here is where we find the Sexy Flawless Diva of the SCW, Kennedy Street along with her sister, Trinity as they prepare for a huge match with Chris Cannon and Senna Swann. While Trinity will only be watching from ringside, Kennedy and Owen Cruze will form an alliance which is shaky at nest right now considering Owen completely disrespected Kennedy when asking for this match at RTG XVI especially against a woman who main evented the show last year.

Kennedy is going into this with two trains of thought, one is focused on Chris Cannon and Sienna Swann for the hell they have put her in the family through. On the other, there is Owen Cruze and while she understands what he has been going through it still doesn’t excuse the way he’s been acting toward her. Wearing jeans, leather cowgirl boots and a leather halter top with her hair hanging down and nails polished naked. Her sister in black jeans, boots and a white untucked button up shirt, nails polished black and hair in a half ponytail, Trinity starts the record while Kennedy looks up at the Cattle Drive Statue…




Kennedy takes a second to compose herself from this very emotional shoot she is about to speak. The Sexy Flawless Diva looks over her shoulder as Trinity nods, she turns with her gorgeous green eyes glaring right into the camera….



“I decided to put on my shit kickers, honey ad live the Cowgirl way. Rachel Tatum Lee isn’t the only one that can sport. Trinity and I have a lot of memories in Texas and thinking back, I had a lot of bad early ones before I came to the SCW but then one night in Houston, Texas in 2015, I beat Syren for the World Championship and it was my first, so this state holds a special place in my heart. I t is bittersweet for me, last year I was prepping up for the Main Event against Giovanni Aries. I had promised myself that after what I did at my first RTG Main Event, I would reconcile, come back to that very moment and make up for my past mistakes. Last year my career came full circle and now part of me wishes I would have just walked away then and left on a high note.

No, I never would have done that which leads me to….


It’s a word that gets thrown around a lot like a hot potato, honey. Folks will always look you right in the eye and tell you that they have all the respect in the world. Now the question bears in mind, do they really mean it? Has it become a term of endearment or a popular catchphrase amongst the honorable or even the thieves? There was a time when I took your compliments at face value, I really thought there was a sincerity there but you know what they say honey, you speak the truth when you’re drunk or angry so I’m going to assume Owen Cruze wasn’t drunk. I have been in this industry for over ten years, I have had my many ups and many downs, lately since RTG XV last year, I feel like I have had more downs and I don’t like it. I tried to do something about it, being respectful anyway I could to Sasha because let’s face it honey….

My demands mean nothing in the grand scheme of things.

I lost to Chris Cannon twice, sure the first time I know that deep in my heart if I was concentrating on submitting Owen for the win, he wouldn’t have caught us both with his spear and taken the victory. On that night, I was hurt, the loss was one thing, what followed after was the bigger picture. Then he walked away from a fight, I was counted out and he just left. Was I going to stand here and take that for what it was worth? Of course not, I’m Kennedy Street, the “Sexy Flawless Diva” of wrestling and I would NEVER in a million years just be okay with anything. This was more than pride, more than revenge, more than atonement. Chris Cannon became everything I despise within a few months. That word respect was thrown around again a lot leading to what he did to me against Sienna Swann.

Will I ever be a World Champion again?

I can’t answer that, I maybe Flawless but I’m not a Fortune Teller. All I know is that I need to start making my own opportunities and not wait until someone else snags them like Owen Cruze did. Am I being bitter? Or do I have a right to say something about this? Yes and yes. I think I have done enough in the SCW alone, forget the rest of my accomplishments outside it to have the respect of the locker room. For TEN years I have scraped, clawed, scratched and gone through the most unimaginable predicaments that anyone can face including sexism, one of the many challenges I overcame to be here now.

Have I made my mistakes?

Plenty of them, there is no denying that but one thing I have done right is carry myself like I give a damn about this business and what happens to the SCW….

Don’t you EVER question my integrity AGAIN, Owen Cruze….

Or Sienna and Chris will be the LEAST of your worries, honey.”


She stops for a second and looks over at Trinity. Her fight is not with Owen, but Kennedy has had her feelings hurt. She is bitter toward here partner and doesn’t care how apologetic he is, she was completely blindsided by it. Kennedy though doesn’t care, now, she must focus on what is across from her, the to people who have made her life hell. She turns and continues to speak…


“The last year has been frustrating, the kickoff to 2019 wasn’t what I expected, losing your first match of the year right off the bat seemed to set the trend for me honey. Ending it with my sister and I beating the Truelove Twins was special, we partied all night, well not really but the celebration ended rather quickly thanks to Chris Cannon. That match was one where anything could have happened. I had Owen in a submission, I was ready to tap him out, Chris speared us both and down we went. I took the brunt of it as Owen landed on me, injured my ribs and I was robbed from competing at Making Things Right. That was what upset me most, but Chris was smug about it all, sure he was apologetic, he had to be after acting like a complete asshole to Trinity before Bound By Blood where she and I picked up his slack. I watched Chris slowly transform into who he is now, jealous of the success Kelcey has, he hated being Kelcey Wallace’s husband, he wanted it to be Chris Cannon’s wife. That professional jealousy spawned for years, even as Keenie I saw it back in 2016 when the Cannons were helping Kelcey and they couldn’t get the job done then. Instead leaving Kelcey in difficult situations that she had to fight her way out while Chris was at home licking his wounds, she fought for the honor of that name, that family, ours….

Kelcey was alone against Blake Mason, David Miller, Selena Frost, Bree Lancaster, Vixen Cain and Merrick Wiseman along with a slew of people that Chris started and picked a fight with and left Kelcey to clean up after him. Whether attacking Deanna or Bree, Miller or Blake, they were never finished. Because he couldn’t get the job done. Then years later, he comes back, his debut is okay, loses a few, then finally gets the big one pinning me. That win put Chris back on the map and suddenly he thought he was better than me? Suddenly he starts prancing around like he is better than Kelcey? Chris is a great competitor and now he is even better honey. I have been a victim of my own confidence; I have not been straight since Sienna Swann took my World Championship last year. I have tried my best to find that winning formula and yet I have ad my ups and downs.

Chris has been the one wrestler I have asked to compete against ne last time, I was even ready to concede if he had beaten me again, this was not about ego or pride, this was about something greater, my family. This was always about how you decided to throw away everything you had with her, knowing that he is SICK! Knowing that she was PREGNANT! Knowing that she was FRAGILE! Knowing that she could not defend herself at all and you bastard….

You fucking bastard.

What you did was deplorable, honey and at a time where she needed her husband the most, where were you!? Where the hell were you Chris!? Let’s forget wrestling for a moment, let us talk about something far more important than a fight. Let’s talk about a baby. That kid was named by Sienna and you approved. That little baby was Kelcey’s legacy. She risked everything in her body, with the knowledge that she could put herself in danger having that child. Did you care? Your ego after interfering in my match with Sienna because let’s call it now, you may have claimed it was an accident then, it sure as hell looks fixed now and Kelcey knew that. You helped out the one woman that didn’t want to take Kelcey’s place, SHE WANTED to be Kelcey and you took it just like that. Your wife didn’t leave you because she didn’t love you….

She left you because you couldn’t be honest.

Now she is in a coma inside a facility that none of us have access to.

When does it stop, Chris?”


Kennedy’s green eyes burn with anger, she stares right into the camera. She starts to pace some, walking around, sighing, thinking about her cousin still in a coma which really hurts. She has so much frustration right now from Sienna to Chris and even her own partner, Owen. Trinity is there to make sure that she focuses, looking back at her sister, nodding, before turning back to the camera and speaking…..


“It doesn’t. When we faced off at yet again, you tried to show mercy? Walking away from the challenge, thinking it was that was it and you called the shots. Yeah? No Chris, I wasn’t going to stop until I finally put you down. This was not about a Kennedy win; this was about a Kelcey win. I made a mistake though, I underestimated your mettle, I thought you were an honorable man, but I guess things change when you decide to be with Sienna Swann. There was a time when I thought you were a hero, someone that the young kids could look at. Even after Monarchy, Kelcey did enough to repair the image, she made her mistakes honey, paid for them so that you could slide back in all ready to go and do nothing but smile, flex your muscles and be Superman. Then after costing me everything three times you took me out, twice I missed dates. Once I lost the world Championship, I wanted to do things the right way and give you the chance to accept my challenge and had you, maybe we wouldn’t be in this tag team mess, maybe your Angel could have had her match with Syren, maybe Owen wouldn’t have jumped the gun and set this up….




And this is where we are now. You were her husband Chris, I remember the last match she had, how proud Kelcey was the you were there to celebrate. She told me about the little bon fire with the Perfect World a few days before she retired, how you two danced to Perfect on the beach. She said it was the most magical moment she ever experienced in her life besides the day she was to give birth to your child. Now she lies in a bed alone, isolated and away from the world while you prance around with that angelic slut. Sienna, you have had my number honey but let’s be truthful here the last few times I have laid you out and could have easily pinned you. I know that you want to continue to talk about this not ever coming full circle and how Owen stole what I wanted. You even had Dante and his cronies from the Network try to soften me up at the last Breakdown, huh honey? Sienna, you and i can go around and around all we want, this is one big circle jerk, you are the reason I am here, you played it smart, you took me out of my comfort zone and now you think it’s cute that you can play house with Chris at the expense of a baby?  Is that “For The People” too? Taking the kids from their biological mothers and making them your own like some twisted Hallmark Movie? Do you see what you are doing Sienna or is the sex and the goo-goo, gaga eyes blinding your reality? I;m just going to kick your face in for the hell of it. I don;t even care anymore if I pin you or not. The fact is?

This is not wrestling anymore, honey….. this is sabotage of my cousin’s life!

Look want you did the Truelove Twins, they were loyal, that is how you treat them? Same with Ikiro? It’s not For the People, it;s For Seinna.

As for this tag team? What more can I say? I get it, the situation sucks but right now there is really nothing I can do about that except go to the ring, team up and do my thing. The cause and what this match mean are more than anything else at the moment. Owen disrespected me; he questioned the one thing I take the most pride in…. my integrity of this sport. Owen, you can apologize to me until you turn blue in the face, doesn’t change anything. I will stand next to him as his partner and nothing you say Sienna is going to change that.


There are two sides to every matter, argument, fight or story. We all tend to lean toward to one side or another. For the last three months I have been challenging Chris Cannon and he continuously refused to. Taking the right side of the approach, I didn’t want to put Sasha into a corner, force her hand and make a decision that would be detrimental to the RTG XVI Card or her plans in general. Katya made it clear what she thought of me and what kind of person I was. A woman that is never satisfied until she gets her way….

Aren’t we all?

Katya doesn’t like me, that much is obvious, she was waiting for Keenie to come out and I hate to disappoint really, much as I wanted to just unleash her and do what I wanted, get my way no matter the cost, I felt that my integrity was the most important thing here but apparently not everyone thought so. I will never make excuses, that has never been my thing, I haven’t had the best of years, down by my standard, I haven’t wrestled in a few months nursing some injuries, but they are all better now. I have finally taken a turn; my eyes are a little more open now to see exactly what I am dealing with. Make no mistake Chris Cannon and Sienna Swann need to answer for the rotten things they have done to Kelcey and others, realizing there is no place for this here in the SCW or in society, period. Chris and Sienna know what they are doing, they have had plenty of opportunities to change and they haven’t, using my cousin as a toy while she’s in a coma?

I kept getting asked, what am I doing about it?


If you truly believe that, then I am extremely disappointed in you honey.

My support, my love, my attention and my devotion in a time like this is ALL I have left. Rise To Greatness is an event that I have Main Evented twice, I fought some of the best like the Next Level, Thirteen, Selena Frost and Katie Steward. It is an event where I faced Kelcey Wallace, Ravyn Taylor and Giovanni Aries to close the show. I have my footprint already on RTG, I have made memories that no one will ever forget. Last year may have been the pinnacle of my career, at 31 years old now, I understand that things will probably be slowing down for me in the next 5 or 6 years. This moment now in Texas though will be the catalyst to my story….

It will be the moment that I take to make sure that everything for the last year comes for circle.

Owen may have taken my match; he may have even taken my chance but one thing he never took away….                                                                

Was my moment….

And Honey, you can bet my Sexy Flawless Ass, I’m making it.”


Kennedy stops and turns toward the camera, Trinity looks on as her sister takes a deep breath and brushes her hair back, knowing full well that this is her time to shine once again and with Owen, the two can finally put Sienna and Chris back in their place. Kennedy glares into the camera….


“On a night where Trinity and I get to watch one of the best we have ever known retire in Donovan Kayl, this will be a memorable evening to say the least and it will be my honor to be there, I promise that I won;t let you down. It ends now. For my family, for Owen, Kelcey and anyone else that has been affected by your tirade. It doesn’t matter how much money you spend, what matters is why you are doing it, in this case toe take control and throw it back in our faces. Tomorrow night?


When the People in unison scream as Owen and I stand there with our hands held high…..



She starts to walk back a little before blowing a kiss, Trinity stands behind her with a smile before Kennedy winks….








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