Vs. Jessica Tremor, G-Money & The Golden Boys: Apocalypse 2021





  Kennedy Street has always been a unique individual that has always beat to her own drum, she has always been a polarizing and eccentric figure who demands attention at every single corner. Kennedy went off to Hollywood but in her time there she learned that her looks and charisma isn’t always going to take her everywhere, the Sexy Flawless Diva saw just how cutthroat it could be, there was no stopping her momentum until it was practically taken and scooped up right from under her feet, so she had no other choice if she was going to keep her lavish lifestyle and that was to go back and wrestle in the promotion that made her an even bigger star after she left her previous ones, that was Supreme Championship Wrestling.

Kennedy had a great relationship with the owner of SCW, Mr. D, and she knew that the door was always open to come back after she took off two years to go film all over the world. Kennedy had found moderate success though at first she was the talk of the town, everyone was ready to get her on their film projects, her acting was not bad, but her films definitely had a shelf life, Kennedy was more the woman that was pleasant to look at but when movies are about acting, it was a tough go at it for her, but in the SCW?

She was a natural.

Now back all Kennedy wanted to do was make waves, the ripple effects alone would justify her return to the SCW, that is what Kennedy has always done. At Rise to Greatness, she defeated Bree Lancaster and Ravyn Taylor, for her that was a huge accomplishment after coming back without wrestling a match and defeating two former World Champions. But then she hit a little snide, Adam Allocco should have been a clear win for Kennedy turned into a draw, then she wrestled a local talent on Breakdown after that, wasn’t exactly the screaming endorsement she thought, but the truth was, how did Kennedy feel? Enough to hire Brittany Lohan as her muscle.

And then the questions started.





It wasn’t long after Rise to Greatness that Kennedy Street had her eyes on Brittany Lohan, a woman she has had a very on and off relationship with for a long time. Kennedy though knew that, and she had to see what had been going on with someone who always had a very tight knit relationship with he Street Family. After getting her number from cousin, Regan, it was time to really sit down and pick her brain, but at the same time, Kennedy knew that if she were to get involved with Brittany, the whispers would begin, people would start talking about her and even wonder if she had any involvement with the whole Ducky and Jordan Majors situation.


It was a risk Kennedy was willing to take.


One Month Ago

Washington, DC.


Waiting patiently on the Lincoln Memorial, Kennedy Street in black leggings, Air Jordan’s and a loose halter top sat at the step waiting for her to arrive. She didn’t really know why there was this itch she had to scratch, feeling like maybe in her next run, she would need a little support, someone to watch her back, whatever it took to make sure that she was successful. It was pretty obvious that Hollywood had gotten to her head, Kennedy was showing a lot more arrogance, she was not the woman who was humble and wanted to do her best to impress and show Mr. D that she was worth every penny, and while that might still be the case due to the relationship between her and the boss, for Kennedy Street it is more than just about existing….

… it is about being at the very top again and Kennedy will settle for nothing less.

Looking down at her long sharp matte sky-blue polished nails, her green eyes slowly shift to see none other than Brittany Lohan making her way down the mall. A small smirk forms on the gorgeous face of the Sexy Flawless Diva, waiting for the imposing Brittany to finally make her way up to the Lincoln Memorial, she sat next Kennedy who handed her a Starbucks….

Brittany: What is this?

Kennedy: Coffee honey, I figured since Holly is always asking you for one, why not be a good Samaritan and bring one to you. It’s your favorite, Pumpkin Spice Latte. That is your favorite, right?

Brittany was a little taken back by the gesture from Kennedy, a part of her looked around to see if this was a rib of some kind. However, began nodding and sipping it watching the beautiful Street drinking from her own after deciding it wasn’t anything like that….

Brittany: Thank you… So, we have business to discuss?

Kennedy: Well, look at you! You don’t even want to catch up!? Talk about how great life has been for Kennie or what has been going on between you and good old bubble butt….

Brittany’s eyes narrowed some…

Kennedy: Relax! I am joking! Sheesh, but you have to admit, Rachel has a bubble butt.

Brittany: I doubt we came here to talk about Rachel’s ass, so get to it.

This time it was Kennedy who felt like she was being taken back a little by Brittany’s constant aggression. Kennedy though knew that she needed her help so played along while holding up one hand of innocence….

Kennedy: You’re right, honey. We won’t do the small talk except for one thing I must ask before we talk shop; did you watch any of my movies!?

Brittany: No.

Kennedy: …

The Sexy Flawless Diva’s hand quickly pressed on her chest, flabbergasted at the response, it felt like her heart sunk into her chest, not knowing what to say or do, she just sat there mouth wide open, for the first time in a while she was silent…

Brittany: Relax, I saw a few, they were good.

A sigh of relief escaped Kennedy; her smile returned…

Kennedy: You almost got me there! I knew you would have honey.

Brittany: I saw an opportunity to give you shit, so I took it.

Kennedy: Touche! Now before we go any further though, I thought you were retired?

Brittany took another sip from her coffee and nodded at the taste, it was good.

Brittany: And?

Kennedy: And? AND?! I think this deserves more than just a simple and, honey! Suddenly here you are again in SCW and involved in all of this, and with Ducky?

Brittany: What of it, Kennedy? Has nothing to do with you.

Kennedy: Oh no, after that boop mess from a few years ago, keep her away from me. I ask because I just need to know how far this goes.

Brittany: Why?

Kennedy: Because, before we talk business, I want to make sure what I am getting myself into! Let me be honest here, I don’t like Jordan Majors, she is the biggest slut in the SCW. That girls hitches on more backs than a trailer, mmmkay? Now I know she’s with your sister, which is very disappointing considering the history Dawn and I have. She is smarter than this, and I can see that it eats you up inside. You know I love Dawn, you’re like family, we have always been close even when Dawn and I had a falling out.

Brittany: I know Kennedy, but my business is nothing you need to worry about, it will be taken care of and after that, I move on.

Kennedy: Now that sounds interesting, the moving on part what does that actually entail?

Brittany: Retirement, no retirement, Rachel will understand, that is not the point here. You called me to talk, there was something you needed to say to me, I am here. I appreciate the coffee and the courtesy, I also like your choice of where we should meet late at night after Breakdown, I am sure your husband is nowhere around?

Kennedy: He’s back at the hotel probably watching adult entertainment.

Slowly Brittany turns to face Kennedy, as their eyes lock, trying to read what Kennedy is up to…

Kennedy: You’re trying to read my facial expressions, honey.

Brittany: Observant. What is it Kennedy?

Standing up, it seems like Kennedy needs to pace a little, be very animated in her pitch toward Brittany who looks on. The Sexy Flawless Diva, placing her hands firmly on the perfectly sculptured face, she glares at Brittany….

Kennedy: I think we both know that Kennie is in very big demand. There is a reputation I must upkeep, there is no question about it, also I’m a star in the wrestling business and in Hollywood, they know who I am, I had to be very incognito when I came here, just so I am not flooded or bombarded by screaming fans and all of the simps.

Looking around, Brittany doesn’t see a soul in sight, but nods, agreeing with Kennedy, last thing she wants is to shatter her bubble, bless her heart….

Brittany: Okay, so what are you saying exactly, that you want me to protect you?

Kennedy: It’s a lot more than that Brittany, see honey not only does Kennie need protection, but there are a lot of people that are upset I am back, call it jealousy, call it threatened…. Let’s just call it jealousy because look at me. Right? If I was into girls, you would totally thrash my vajayjay wouldn’t you?

Brittany’s eyes widened, she didn’t know how to respond to that, but Kennedy wasn’t lying, she just didn’t know if adding to her over-inflated ego was too wise. Lowering her head, Brittany let out a chuckle….

Brittany: I get what you’re saying, alright.

Kennedy: Whoa, just answer the question, I’m starting to get really self-conscious now if a lesbian doesn’t think I’m attractive.

Brittany: First off, I’m bi-sexual, secondly you’re hot, happy?

Kennedy: Very. Okay you can continue.

Brittany: I don’t think there is any doubt whatsoever that you are a marked woman, there were a lot of people in the SCW who sighed when you came back, not necessarily because they dislike you, but how competitive you are and that is just another spot taken from them.

Kennedy nods in agreement.

Brittany: They will always hate on you Kennedy, that is the nature of the beast here, and with your Hollywood status and let’s be honest, call for attention as you demand it at every turn, I get why you would want me to watch your back and with the history we had, I get why.

There is a pause for a moment, before Kennedy continues to speak, though she was deep in thought for a moment, thinking about the next words to say, but Kennedy sometimes has no filter, instead she just blurted it out….

Kennedy: Let me tell you why I called. First off, I do need protection, secondly I am a hot commodity and a woman in demand and thirdly, I was sick and tired of people asking you for coffee and treating you like a slave. There I said it!

Kennedy looks around and repeats her last few words of “There I said it” no one was listening, in fact no one was around other than Brittany to hear it but in Kennedy’s world everyone was able to hear her no matter where they were.

Brittany: I’ve heard that all before, Kennedy.

Kennedy: I know but that’s not my intentions here, though I will need you to serve me somewhat hand and foot but not in a demeaning way at all, there is nothing wrong with living a life of servitude under Kennie, but this is the facts, I have a certain lifestyle I like to keep.

Brittany: Okay so?

Kennedy: So… The only way I will do that is by staying healthy and winning championships, this is where you come in honey. I mean besides the typical other stuff.

Brittany: Typical other stuff? Like what?

Kennedy: You know like get me coffee….

Brittany: ….. wait you just said that watching Holly and other people treat me like slaves actually upset you!

Kennedy: It did honey, I went through a box of Kleenex on a nightly basis while I thought it, but they are not greasing your pockets with cash, I will. I will be paying you to get what I need, besides, it’s me, would you really say no to this face?

Brittany: I would.

Kennedy: O-M-G! Take it back, I’m like getting all self-conscious again!

Now Brittany stands up, towering over Kennedy who suddenly is on the defense….

Brittany: What are you expecting from me, really?

Kennedy: Honestly? I want you to be a part of the journey, behind every great woman is a….. wait that is not how it goes, maybe a bigger and stronger woman, sure that fits, to be there to watch her back. I am asking you to be there, to handle anything that tries to impede on my success, to protect me from the simps, to make sure that I get to the car without being bombarded by a bunch of neckbeards, alright? And yeah, when Kennie wants her Chai Green Tea Macha or Avocado Toast, you run and get it, though credit is open, so you get all the protein shakes your big muscular heart desires too. See? It is a win-win!

Brittany does looks a bit hesitant, folding her arms and glaring at Kennedy….

Kennedy: You’re doing that Bear to a pork chop look again, honey, it’s creeping me out.

Brittany: What do you want in this run Kennedy? Seriously, what do you want?

There was a silence between the two women, Kennedy a little nervous while trying to come up with the right words that could sway Brittany to her side of thinking.

Kennedy: I want… To become a Supreme Champion, I want to win the World Title again, I want to do whatever I can to be the very best because that means I make more money and that will let me maintain my lifestyle. So, what do you say, Brittany? Shake it there?

As Kennedy extends her hand out for a shake, Brittany thinks long and hard about it….

Kennedy: Honey, shake my hand, I’m starting to suffer from anxiety, and you know what happens to Kennie after that, break out hives, come on.

Still thinking, Brittany and Kennedy lock eyes, and as she is about to shake her hand….

Brittany: One thing.

Kennedy: Anything.

Brittany: You help me with a little problem, and I promise you nothing but loyalty.

Kennedy: Done, now shake my hand, I think I’m getting Tennis Elbow.

With a smirk, Brittany shakes Kennedy’s hand, the two take a moment to relish in their new partnership, for Kennedy knows that this is the only she will shoot back up to the very top, with a little muscle in her corner, and since Brittany has been verbally abused for the last year, this was the perfect opportunity to strike while the iron was hot, though in Kennedy’s desperation, she really didn’t ask what the favor was Brittany wanted from her….

Kennedy: So, what was this little problem we are talking about?

All Brittany does is smile and Kennedy’s first instinct is to grab her crotch….

Brittany: Not that!

Again, another sigh of relief by the Sexy Flawless Diva, while Kennedy fans herself.






It was hard for Kennedy to sustain this type of lifestyle after the well of Hollywood ran dry. Kennedy was desperate still on that front, she was not making the money in SCW like she was making movies and though she had Deep Cover 2 coming out,  it was simply not enough. She had already made one play to hire Brittany Lohan to be by her side, spend a little cash on her to guarantee a bigger payday when she starts winning Championships again. Kennedy had this elaborate plan for her future, and no one was going to stop her, but that is where Antoniya Olivia Sovran, better known as Toni, who had become a huge fan and benefactor of the Sexy Flawless Diva and has been playing a major role behind the scenes with her life. Kennedy though has been feverishly attempting her hardest to get back into some movies, to be able and sustain the life she lives. Kennedy though has been changing, she has become a bit more selfish and needy recently, it all started when she became a Movie Star, maybe fame did get to her head.

… and if she didn’t get to keep it?

It would be dangerous.



Jordyn’s Offices

Burbank, CA.

One Week Ago


Kennedy Street walked into Jordyn’s office, her agent, a woman that she had been close with the last two years, but lately she was starting to get this suspicious feeling that while she was telling her one thing, Kennedy wasn’t getting the whole truth. Working hard to get her some picture deals, Jordyn always kept her up to date in everything that was happening, including the climate in Hollywood. Kennedy dressed in red vinyl pants, a matching top and open toed heels, hair hanging down, nails polished black, looking sexy as ever, Jordyn was behind the desk with her headphones on talking to one of her clients…

Jordyn: Yes, do not worry, Brad Pitt is tied to the project, this is the big break you were looking for and while it is a small part, look at the positives here, you’re in, okay? Look I gotta go, I have another client in, congratulations and I’ll email you the details, ciao!

After hanging up, Jordyn sees Kennedy, smiles while taking off her sunglasses, kissing each cheek of the gorgeous Diva…

Jordyn: Thank you for coming, I know that you’re concerned, but at least with Deep Cover 2, we have something special here and this will springboard you to other projects. I hear interest in the next set of Marvel shows on Disney Plus, that is awesome!

Kennedy: I’ll believe it when I see it, honey.

Jordyn: Whoa, it’s okay babe, there was a little sass behind that, is everything alright?

Kennedy: No, everything is NOT alright, Jordyn. How long am I going to wait to get some work, I hear this all the time and the girl you were talking to? Who was she?

Jordyn: Paige Lawler, why?

Kennedy: How long have you been trying to get Paige Lawler a gig honey? Seriously? How long has it been, and she has some cameo in a Brad Pitt movie that will probably go uncredited, right?

Jordyn: Kennedy, what is with all the hostility all of a sudden?

Kennedy seemed out of character, she was always calm, cool and collect but this time, she was ready to snap. Slowly standing up, Kennedy leaned in, planting the palms of her hands on top of the desk causing Jordyn to back up a little….

Kennedy: I need movies, okay? Wrestling doesn’t pay enough and while I love what I do, I am not going to sacrifice the lifestyle provided to my family because you can’t do your fucking job, honey.

Jordyn: I beg your pard….

But as Jordyn was ready to stand up, Kennedy put a quick end to it…

Kennedy: Sit the fuck down, I’m a Professional Wrestler, you do Palates twice a week, who are we going to bet on a fight, honey?

…. And Jordyn sits back down.

Kennedy: I don’t think you truly grasp the concept of Kennedy Street here, Jordyn. I was making movies straight for two years, and I get it, the whole explanation why honey, sure that works, whatever but let’s get one thing perfectly straight right now, Kennie is Cash, you know it and I know it. If you wanted to try harder, this would be your chance to get me more work, I have made you a lot of money, and I don’t really care for the excuses. Kennie has a limit, it’s long passed that. Jordyn, I love you honey, I really do but enough is simply enough, I can’t do this anymore. I WANT WORK and I WANT IT NOW!

Slamming the desk, Jordyn was startled by the aggression of Kennedy, she didn’t know what was going on with her and that really worried the agent. She didn’t know what to say, but Kennedy’s fiery green eyes told the tale and all she could do was nod…

Jordyn: I will do my best.

Kennedy: You will what?

Jordyn: I will do my best, no, I will maker sure we get something done, whatever I have to work.

Kennedy: Good, and no foot fetish movies, I want top billing honey because I am a star, right?

Jordyn: Right. Kennedy….

Kennedy: No, Jordyn, we are fine, okay? Kennie is having a bad day and I took it out on you, now that’s not an admittance or an apology because let’s face it, you deserve it. But I am worth more than some commercial or small role and think about this honey, what would happen if I had to sell the house and downsize? Do you know how many shoes alone I own?

Jordyn: I cannot imagine but I am sure it’s a lot.

Kennedy: Yeah, it is. I pay you very well, do your job.

Jordyn: I actually earn commission, so if you don’t get paid, I don’t get paid.

Kennedy pauses for a second….

Kennedy: Oh. Well, let’s get me paid so you make money!

Jordyn: Kennedy, I am trying my best, I really am, just be a little more patient is all I ask, things are starting to turn around here and I promise that I will get you back on the saddle in no time.

Kennedy: I’m going to hold you to that. Now get to work, I have to go.

Wasting no time, Kennedy walks out leaving Jordyn there a bit shook and surprised at the same time. Taking a deep breath, Jordyn leans back in her chair and goes to pick up the phone.


Kennedy is back in her Bentley, driving away, she hits the phone button on her console as it dials, the voice picks up at the other end, its Sonya….

Sonya: Hey mom.

Kennedy: Hey honey, where are you?

Sonya: I just got home from school, I have a lot of homework, and I still need you to help me with that project tomorrow.

Kennedy: Oh right… the…. Career day thing.

Sonya: Yeah, that one. They will be really excited to see you, but I really have to get this stuff done. When are you coming home?

Kennedy: Soon honey, I need to stop somewhere really quick and then I will be by. What do you want for dinner?

Sonya: Hmmm… maybe sushi? I think dad though wanted BBQ.

Kennedy: BBQ? Oh honey, that will get stuck in your teeth, hands and face get dirty, someone always spills something on their shirt, all that greasy food, it sounds absolutely disgusting.

Sonya: So that’s a big fat no?

Kennedy: Yeah. Tell Jonny that I will pick up Sushi on my way home, be a doll and order from Umami’s, whatever you want, you know what Jonny and I like.

Sonya: Okay, I will. Mom? Is everything alright? You sound a little upset?

There is a pause for a moment, Kennedy gripping the steering wheel, knowing she cannot keep these facades and appearances up forever and sooner rather than later her financial problems will start to sneak up on her. Taking a second to calm herself before answering, she puts on her act though….

Kennedy: Ha ha ha…. Oh, honey I am fine! Just a little tired, I worked out this morning, came home showered, got all beautied up and just visited my agent.

Sonya: Any luck?

Kennedy: Yes! I’m in talks to star in a Marvel show on Disney Plus, it’s exciting!

Sonya: I’m so happy for you mom!

Kennedy: Thanks honey, this will be so great.

Sonya: Dad is worried about finances and….

Kennedy cuts her off…

Kennedy: Jon talked to you about our finances?

Sonya: Yeah. I asked him and he straight up told me, I wanted to know, and I am happy that he did. I am in the loop, and I can help. I’m looking for a job right now and…

Kennedy: Sonya, stop. You need to concentrate on school and not look for any job whatsoever honey. Let me handle the finances okay, I will talk to Jonny about this.

Sonya: Mom, he was only trying to help.

Kennedy: Yeah… I know. I’ll see you in a few hours.

Sonya: Okay, love you.

Kennedy: Love you too.

After hanging up, Kennedy grips the steering wheel tightly before letting out a scream of anger and rage. She was upset that Jonathan would ever talk finances with Sonya, because for Kennedy she needed to keep the illusion alive. It was important for her to keep this fantasy going, it made her feel better, but it was pretty obvious that her desperation was starting to get the best of Kennedy, which is why she needed to  see her.


Twenty Minutes Later


Kennedy pulled into the long half moon driveway after being admitted into he privacy gate. She slowly gets out of the car and Toni walks out wearing black slacks an orange blouse, matching peep toe pumps with her long silver hair hanging down and nails polished white, holding her little Pomeranian, Bogart named after the actor….

Toni: Kennedy! I was so excited to know you were coming! That just made my day and ….. yeah you look pissed.

Kennedy: I am honey, I still love you though.

The two ladies kiss each other on the cheek, before Kennedy then pets Bogart, both ladies turn to walk inside, Toni with her arm around the beautiful Street….

Toni: You need a drink, I have this 2004 Merlot, it is to die for.

Kennedy: Open the bottle.

As they settle in, Kennedy sits at the bar, Toni prepares their wine and even does a small charcuterie board. Kennedy with her legs crossed is visibly upset, sipping her wine, as Toni tries to calm her down….

Toni: Talk to me.

Kennedy: I am tired of this Toni. Jordyn is not getting me any movie parts, I am wrestling garbage on TV, at the PPV I’m in some nobody Eight Person Tag Team match which trust me, isn’t getting Kennie any fucking attention, and now my husband is telling my daughter about our financial problems, and she wants to go get a job flipping burgers or something.

At the sound of flipping burgers, Toni’s jaw drops, clearly both shocked and annoyed….

Toni: You’re kidding me, right?

Kennedy: No, I’m not. She wanted to go find a job, imagine the daughter of Kennedy Street working at In N’ Out, I mean granted I wouldn’t mind the burgers, they are delicious but come on. I didn’t go back to wrestling to be treated like this, I didn’t become a movie star to be thrown to the side. This is all wrong, its unbecoming of me, I just continue to tell myself that Kennie was put in this match to give it ratings, but honestly at this point, I am so livid, while I know that the SCW needs me, and Hollywood is jerking my chain, truth be told, Toni, I need to do something about this. I’m about to lose my panties honey.

Toni: No, you won’t, I have your back.

Kennedy: You have given me enough money, okay? I don’t need for you to be my own personal bank. Besides, all I need to do is win a championship and I get a bonus. If Deep Cover 2 does good at the box office, I will get those extra incentives. Kennie needs to just calm down and remember that all will be fine. But Jonny, I don’t know, he keeps making all these decisions and they are starting to grind on my nerves. I mean, look at him, any guy would be lucky to have this sitting on their couch and lying next to every day, right?

Toni: You’re a gem Kennedy, there is nothing else to argue about that, alright? Look, I’m not one to judge here but you’re a queen, I look at a 10 to a guy who is a 4 at best and that is when he dresses up. Truthfully what did you ever see in that guy?

Kennedy: Jonny is a good guy, he was there for me all the time, when I finally admitted to myself that I loved him, it was special then. He always supported me, but it seems like he is trying to get by the bare minimum and Kennie needs a go getter, someone that takes charge and command, Jonny doesn’t do that, but I still love him.

Toni: Love isn’t everything, though sweetheart. Look at my marriage, I love him but I am waiting for him to kick the bucket so I can have all of this and just live my life. Women like us? We shouldn’t be tied down. We are women that control the narrative, which is why it surprises me that you take this kind of abuse when he should be worshipping you at every step. Seriously though, Kennedy look at him.

Kennedy sips her wine, shrugging her shoulders….

Toni: There isn’t a guy alive that wouldn’t want to be with you.

Kennedy: I do make a good mistress honey, done that a few times. Even cheated with my brother-in-law, I know it sounds very West Virginia, but I did end my sisters marriage with him. Do I feel bad, yes. Would I take it back if I could? Yes, absolutely but looking back at it, was pretty evil. Kennie is reformed though honey, all I cared about is the spotlight and getting paid, that is it. Too much to ask?

Shaking her head, Toni chuckles a little….

Toni: No, you need to demand this, Kennedy, this is what you deserve. No one else can take that away from you, right? I mean come on, you settle for fighting local talent, we all know you defeated that old guy, clearly your shoulder was up. Now this eight-person tag? YOU ARE KENNEDY STREET! The Sexy Flawless Diva, the absolute most beautiful woman in wrestling and damn the best. Instead, you have a suburbia, middle class husband, you’re treated in SCW like a mid-carder, and they are jerking you around in Hollywood when your name is constantly on demand, do you know why?

Kennedy: Middle Class? I think I’m about to puke. Tell me…. Why?

Toni: You need an upgrade. Someone that will fight for you and sometimes Kennedy we need to make the tough decisions to ensure that you are given everything that you deserve and that is why I am here. But seriously, when will this end? When will all of this become a distant memory? When you make the push to change it, sister. That is right, change it all. Take the SCW like you own it, walk into that agent’s office and fire her ass and get someone else, like me. As for your husband? If he is not going to get with the program then guess what?

Kennedy: Kick him in the balls?


With her palm placed firmly on her chest, Kennedy skips a heartbeat and her breath….

Kennedy: D…. Divorce? Taking everything, he owns? I don’t want his comic book collection or box full of Beanie Babies, honey.

Toni: Doesn’t matter, you know what has to be done, now all you need is to do it.

Kennedy nods…

Kennedy: …. Pour me another glass of wine please.

Sitting there in silence, Kennedy heard everything that Toni had to say, it was a hard pill to swallow, one that was starting to really grind on her nerves, but she listened to Toni, it wasn’t hyperbole, she was right in a lot of things, but could Kennedy actually go through with this? Could she make those necessary changes when thinking about how good Jonathan was with Sonya….

It wasn’t just about her.






After staying out for a few hours, Kennedy had herself a couple of Merlot glasses, picked up some Sushi and went home. Arriving, she saw Jonathan’s car there. The entire ride home all she thought about was the entire day and the conversation she had with Toni, in a way it really bothered her, yet she again had to keep appearances at least for Sonya. Entering the house, Kennedy saw Jonathan and Sonya sitting at the table laughing. Kennedy placed the sushi on the counter, then realized there was BBQ on the table, and they were waiting for her to come home.

Knots: Hey beautiful. We were just waiting for you. I was looking over the career day stuff with Sonya, you know, it you have stuff to do, I can always go with her instead.

Kennedy: What?

Sonya: Yeah mom, you sounded really stressed and busy when we were talking on the phone earlier, just didn’t want to force you into doing something that you didn’t want to.

Kennedy: Why would you think that?

Knots: She is just concerned like I am, is all. We know how much stress you have been under lately, not really happy with has been going in SCW and such, we get it. Take a day at the spa, relax, get a facial and your nails done.

Kennedy: I just had my nails done yesterday. Am I clogged up; do I have zits because if I do tell me now before I scream since you think I need a facial.

Sonya: Mom, he didn’t mean it like that, he was just saying go to spa, dad will come with me tomorrow for career day, all the students will be freaking out because Jonathan Knots, the voice of Supreme Championship Wrestling is in West Beverly Hills High!

Kennedy couldn’t believe it, she stood there in silence, trying to figure out exactly what was going on, how all of this turned against her. Lowering her head she took a deep breath, grabbed the sushi and stuffed it into the refrigerator….

Knots: What are you doing, babe?

Kennedy: Well, besides the obvious that you are taking my spot in school tomorrow inside her class, where I wanted to talk about my experiences in 90210, now I see that you decided to bring home Leo’s BBQ when I specifically told Sonya that I was bringing home Umami’s. So, enjoy the BBQ, I am going upstairs, taking a hot shower and laying down to watch TikTok because reading a book is boring.

Knots: Kennie wait… I didn’t know you were bringing home sushi.

Sonya: I forgot to call him, I started my homework and fell asleep for about an hour, when I woke up he just came home and had it in his hand. That was on me, don’t blame him.

All Kennedy can do is roll her eyes and start to walk out of the kitchen. Knots turns to look at Sonya confused as to why she has been acting like this lately…

Sonya: Go talk to her, I’ll make us plates.

Knots: Serve the sushi in the fridge, okay?

Sonya: You bet.

Jonathan Knots wasn’t wasting any time, he was concerned about Kennedy’s behavior, didn’t understand why it would set her off like that. He made his way upstairs, she had already kicked her heels off and grabbing a towel, he walked into the large master bedroom, closing the door behind him….

Knots: Will you mind telling me what is going on? Is everything okay?

Kennedy stops, taking a deep breath, trying to stay calm but turns to face her husband…

Kennedy: Is everything okay? Does it look like it is okay!? What is up with you Jonny? It’s like you have tried to take over this marriage and especially Sonya! You buy her a Scooter; I get her a car when the gift was supposed to be discussed by the two of us! I get sushi, you buy BBQ!? Now you’re trying to replace me in her school project!? Can’t you see I am in enough stress as it with the movies deals drying up and the booking of the SCW!? I don’t need to come home and deal with this too! This house, my family? It’s supposed to be my safe haven, honey and right now I am suffering from the fucking shingles just thinking about coming home and my husband has basically tried to cut me out!?

Knots: Wait, hold on Kennedy. First off, BBQ and Sushi was totally miscommunication, I have Sonya making us Sushi plates right now. Secondly, the Scooter, I thought it would be nice for her to have some transportation that wasn’t going to break the fucking bank and you buy her a Mercedes!? She’s 16 years old, Kennie! Who gets a Mercedes at 16!?

Kennedy: I did.

Knots: I shouldn’t have asked. I just thought it would be nice, you didn’t, I get it. We already talked about this, as for school, Sonya is worried about you, okay! She asked me so that you wouldn’t feel pressured to go, she didn’t think that you would want to, that is not her fault, she is a smart kid that can read between the lines.

Kennedy: Right, that is why you told her about our financial situation?

Jonathan sighs, turning away for a moment, running his hands on top of his head, knowing that Kennedy was not at all pleased with that decision…

Knots: She asked, and I felt like I needed to tell her, it is not fair for her to live in the dark and not know our situation which honestly we wouldn’t be in if it wasn’t for this lavish lifestyle you need to have. What happened to that Kennedy I fell in love with that had a condo was happy just being her? This seems like it is all about appearances.

Kennedy: Is it? Maybe I worked too damn hard to get here and I am not ready to let go, ever think about that!? She has absolutely no business knowing our financial struggles, okay!? I don’t care if you think I am right or wrong. If you want to take her to the career thing tomorrow be my guest, if you two want to stuff your faces with BBQ, go on down and indulge, Jonny. If I am going to be labeled the bad gal for no reason, then fine, but let me remind you that you knew who I was when you were down on one knee and proposing, I told you a thousand times over. Hollywood, SCW and anyone else are NOT going to take advantage of my success! 

Knots: Kennedy we don’t need to fight here, this has to stop, we were never like this before until the movie opportunities started going thin. You’re back in the SCW, this is your chance to be a Supreme Champion, besides you keep telling me about decisions I make, what is this shit with Brittany Lohan!? Are you involved with….

She quickly cuts him off….

Kennedy: NO! And even if I was, that is my decision, for MY career. You’re a made man Jonny, they love you in SCW, I walk in there and no one can step up to challenge me, I had to butt my way into the Triple Threat at Rise to Greatness, piss everyone off, but I will do whatever it takes to get a championship, to make more money, I will not lose any of this!

Knots: We won’t, we have to be smart about this, finding another home, cars and downsizing a little is not going to hurt us, Kennedy, in the long run, it is what’s best.

Kennedy: What’s best for you, not me. She’s waiting for dinner downstairs, go one, we are done here.

Knots: Then come down and eat with us.

She doesn’t answer back, instead walks into the bathroom and slams the door shut. Knots lowers his head and walks back downstairs where Sonya is waiting at the table, three plates served. He sists down across from her….

Sonya: Mom?

He shakes his head, “no” before turning his attention to the plate, she could see his eyes tearing up a little before getting out of her seat and embracing Jonathan.










If there is one thing Kennedy Street is? A star. The Sexy Flawless Diva has been a mainstay in the SCW since 2013, when she debut, since then she has won the World Championship on multiple occasions, a three-time tag team champion, one of the longest reigning Television Champions and has a win/loss record that is hard to touch. Kennedy has always been in the spotlight, and when she left a few years ago to pursue a career in Hollywood, making movies whether they were blockbusters or not, the gorgeous blonde demands to be the center of attention. After her run in Hollywood, which is still active today, she decided it was time to come back where it all started, but in doing so Kennedy is a little different, yet still polarizing and always looking to be the loudest in the room, when Kennedy Street walks through any door, people turn their heads and watch what she does next.

But for Kennedy, the win at Rise to Greatness wasn’t enough, though after not wrestling for two years she came out and wrestled like she had never left. Kennedy though had a misstep against Adam Allocco, and for the Sexy Flawless Diva, to her that was a win, but to everyone else and the record books, it was a draw. Now Kennedy finds herself in some 8-person tag team match with a bunch of people she doesn’t know, except Adam, Kimberly Williams and Adam’s beefy pet sasquatch. Kennedy is flabbergasted and doesn’t understand why she isn’t booked in the Main Event, to the beautiful blonde this is an injustice. There are also questions surrounding Kennedy’s involvement now with Brittany Lohan as her hired muscle and all the side stuff going on with her and Jordan Majors, Ducky who Kennedy is very familiar with the whole Boop Gate Scandal back when she was World Champion, the eyes have turned to Kennedy and the ears are listening. Now on the Apocalypse card she teams with the Lich House and Kimberly Williams against Jessica Tremor, The Golden Boys and G-Money…

…. And she is just like…. Huh?

Sipping a glass of wine in her suite, the Sexy Flawless Diva is in a one-piece silver dinner dress, open toed matching heels and long wavy blonde hair styled, her nails polished black, tanned muscular legs, the most powerful in all of wrestling crossed as the camera begins to record with her muscle Brittany Lohan standing behind the couch, arms folded…




Kennedy takes a second to compose herself before speaking in her sultry tone…


KennedyCastPic-Kennedy5“There are different directions that we can start this conversation, so many words racing through Kennie’s mind, trying to find the right ones to say without really sounding to obnoxious or befuddled, so let’s just come out and blurt it out…

… Excuse me?

When Kennedy Street was making all of these Hollywood blockbusters and selling out theatres around the world just like wrestling arenas for the last 12 years and only reaching my prime, the one thing Kennie knew coming back was the SCW needed me. Let’s not sugarcoat anything here, honey, this company has been hurting for star power for quite some time, when their hottest and most beautifully talented wrestler in the world left, there was a void to fill, this isn’t hyperbole, yes Kennie has expanded in her vocabulary, thanks to my acting career, the things you learn playing so many unique characters is amazing! As we were, each time there was a chance, my eyes were glued on the SCW, watching and waiting for anyone to fill my shoes, and we know how my story has been told, from being the most charismatic woman in all of professional wrestling to the most dangerous World Champion anyone has ever seen, to my redemption and feel-good moment that brought tears to the toughest eyes, to now, a woman who doesn’t have to earn her spot here, it was never gone or taken to begin with. Now Kennie hears the sheep all the time…

Bah ah ah ah ah ah ah….

… yeah sure, we get it.

The little people like to talk, don’t worry honey, Kennie will address that soon enough, but what we really need to clear up are a few things, see when coming back to the SCW, there was a need for some protection among other things, this is why you see Brittany Lohan standing behind me. Kennie is too much in demand, simps are all over stalking me, they want to brush with the greatness that is the Sexy Flawless Diva, and for that alone, there was a dire need for some beefy muscle. This money maker? Needs protection, and when looking at the landscape of the SCW? Do you really blame me? But let’s talk about Supreme Championship Wrestling for a moment and what Kennedy Street means to it before even starting to deny these false allegations that Kennie had anything to do with the whole Jordan Majors and Ducky situation, the flat-out answer is HELL NO. Kennie doesn’t have time for this nonsense.  There is no way a distraction like this would even interest me, to be fair. Brittany will handle her portion of it, but as she sides here with me now, allow this to sink in,  she is my enforcer, and you’re probably wondering why Kennie would go this route? Maybe watching her get verbally berated on Social Media was one reason, she gets my coffee just fine and there is no hunting her down, this is why there is a mutual respect here honey and to be fair, she loves Kennie like all of you.

The most prolific and polarizing SCW Superstar to ever live!

We knew that already, just using it as a reminder. Now, before heading into Apocalypse, let Kennie provide some clarification here, when winning at Rise to Greatness, the match all of you thought was an impossible task, there is one thing that stood out to me, on the night coming back, Kennie gave one person a chance to become a star, did that happen? No, everyone was afraid to get the big fat “L” on the biggest show of the year, but did that stop me? No, but what it did do apparently was scare the SCW. Some may say that Kennie and Adam Allocco drew, our shoulders were both down, didn’t see that happen, what about you, Brittany?”

“Don’t recall that one bit.”

“See, didn’t think so. If my memory serves me correctly, Kennie won, clean?”

“Kennie not only won clean, but she also dominated the match.”

“Are we really going to argue with Brittany Lohan? Didn’t think so, this makes Kennie still undefeated in the SCW especially in the singles ranks, so as we progress closer to the end of the year, there is no secret that there is only one goal in mind honey, to become a SUPREME CHAMPION! Oh yes, the honor that the Supreme Title would have with my name included in it, could you imagine! That alone is an exciting prospect, but when Kennie is facing local talent or put into a match where half the people Kennie needed to actually look up to know who they are?

Well, that was a little annoying.

So, for about .00000005556666 seconds, pondering the thought, wondering why in the blue hell would Kennedy Street be a part of this shit show, it dawned on me, this PPV needed buy rates, the SCW had to come up with a selling point as to why anyone would want to watch it especially with that boring ass Main Event, some Gypsy Trailer Park Trash match and a cluster fuck in just about everything else. Here we are with this poor eight-person tag contest, where a couple of Goth Hippies and the craziest bitch in the SCW on one side missing a partner and on the other, we have some delinquent who has watched too many Blade Runner movies and obviously doesn’t do her homework on the history of the SCW,  some kid that has a girlfriend or valet, Kennie doesn’t really care what she is, named honey, honey, this is going to get really confusing and fast, finally Adam Allocco, the senior citizen of the group with his pet Sweaty Grizzly Bear. Kennie gets it, no she really does, suddenly the booking committee are looking at one another and saying “WTF” when realizing this is a Pre-Show match or one that would send everyone scurrying to the restrooms and concession stands, shame really because Lick… Leech… Limp… What is it honey?”

“Lich House.”

“Ah yes, Lich House and Kimberly Williams do not deserve this. Do not worry though, it didn’t take me very long to catch on, they needed ONE woman to save this match….

… and you’re looking at her.”


Kennedy has already convinced herself that the only reason she is even in this match is because the SCW needed a ratings boost as the Sexy Flawless Diva is one of the most watched wrestlers in the entire company. Taking a second, she has Brittany pour her a glass of wine, taking a sip before speaking….


“Let us start off by speaking to Team Kennie. Kez and Lilith, oh you two are freaks, honey. But…. But in a good way, let’s face it, between Lich House, Kimberly Williams and Kennedy Street, we know who sticks out like a sore thumb. Kennie is probably the Sharon Tate to your Charles Manson, we get it, yet we are going to need a little team discussion here, and seriously there Is nothing Kennie wants more than for everyone to just Rodney King it and “Get along”. Listen to me closely, Kennie doesn’t know too much about the occult or cults in general, played with a Ouija once at a high school party, went to a Scientology BBQ without knowing it, considering it seems like everyone in Hollywood is into it. Oh, Kennie also did some Voodoo once at a PPV in New Orleans, that was fun, but for real, you don’t know anything about me, the same can be said about you. We are all on the same side, let us first and foremost remember that we must make sure that we ALL WORK TOGETHER for the common bond and that includes Kimmy. Listen honey’s, there is only ONE path to victory, if you follow Kennie’s lead.

That’s right, we know who the Captain here is, taking command like a real professional. Ladies, this is GIRL POWER in the flesh!  Look at the four of us and what we bring to the table, me do more than anything but there is so much to contribute here, how exciting is this! Kimberly, girl Kennie loves you! Super Super glad you are on my team, because this Sexy Flawless Diva doesn’t do too well with staple guns and that stabby stabby shit. Looking at this, it’s like Beauty and the Beasties, totally out of place here but come to think of it, this could work! It will only do so if you listen to me, Kennie is the veteran of the SCW, knowing how it runs around here and for Lich House, this is your first PPV, the chance to really make a statement in all your creepiness! See, while this match not be the type of Kimberly excels in, let the wrestling to Kennedy Street, if there is only ONE superior athlete in this company, it is Kennie.

Trust in your Sexy Flawless Diva to carry us even on her back if need be, though that would actually get quite heavy, past the finish line. Tell them Brittany.”

“Listen to Kennie, or else!”

“She had to pop out the “Or Else” here but now we are looking at those standing across from us, right? Not wasting any time and starting off with the one who has the most generic name in this match, Jessica Tremor. Oh, and Hannah Warr. Brother, Kennie bets you two ladies sat around for hours thinking of this gimmick and the marketing geniuses in the SCW were frothing at the mouth for how early 90’s you two sound. What makes you an expert Jessica on Kennedy Street? Finding this a bit hypocritical to be fair, chastising Kennie for having a match against a local talent at the last Breakdown and you were facing Derek Adonis? Okay, so since you aren’t really up to date with current or past events in this company, your complete ignorance shows by that hot garbage you called promotional videos hyping up this match, do you even know who Derek Adonis is? The resident loser honey, he has been at this for so many years and may have won five matches, the epitome of irrelevant especially after Cookie and Manvel left him, going to bet you don’t even know who they are. Standing there and bragging about winning over that fat ass and then questioning me and my stature within this company just shows that all you’re doing is starving for attention and no one is paying it. Kennie will say this, what have you done in the SCW to prove to me or anyone else that six months from now you won’t be a trivia question on the back of some card at the local Bowling Alley’s Bar during Karaoke night, huh? Who did Kennedy Street make her bitch at Apocalypse….

… Jessica Tremor.

Do you even know who in the hell you are talking to?


“The Sexy Flawless Diva of the SCW, Former two-time World Champion, three-time Tag Team Champion, one of the longest Television Champions of all time and Main Evented Rise to Greatness TWICE.”

“Honey you forgot something.”

“I did?”

“Yes… you know…. LOOK AT ME HONEY!”

“Oh yes, and the MOST BEAUTIFUL WOMAN in all of the SCW! Hollywood Actress, Humanitarian and Mr. D’s FAVORITE WRESTLER!”

“Much better. What are you, Jessica? A wanna-be? Flash in the Pan? Fly By Night? Never Was? How about all of them. Is Kennie supposed to be impressed because you and Hannah while throwing your dice playing Cyberpunk decided to dress like it is the dark future, posing as a delinquent because we didn’t have one of those already in Autumn Valentine, but that is supposed to be impressive? Creative, for sure. Don’t come into MY company and start talking like you own the place or have even remotely earned any respect or consideration at anything so far. My career is winding down? Kennie isn’t the draw anymore to the SCW so that is why she is in this pointless eight-person tag team match?

No Jessica, the reason the Sexy Flawless Diva is in this match is for ratings. There are people who move the needle, hello, you just met one. That all important 18-49 demographic is what Kennedy Street attracts to this company honey. They want this PPV to be one of the most successful and since no one wants to face me one on one and risk their precious record, they put me in here to try and elevate all of you with my presence alone. Kennie has forgotten more people that have fallen at my feet than you have ever done in this business, yet coming here with all this vitriol trying to disrespect me? Here’s one thing you need to learn quickly Jessica, just because you spoke the most doesn’t mean you worked the hardest or care more than anyone else in this match, it just means you’re so unsure of your abilities that some of us, we don’t need to light up the promotional channel of the SCW, we do it with ease.

Where do you even come up with half this shit?

Wishful thinking considering Kennedy Street signed a long-term contract and walked into Rise to Greatness and defeated two former World Champions, but let me guess because Kennedy is a multiple champion it means that…. “YoU lOsT iT tWiCe” right? How about you actually win something here before running your mouth little twat, because Kennie is going to enjoy watching that ass tremble like a “Tremor” while kicking it all over the ring.

Sit the fuck down.

The grown-ups are talking now.”


Brittany Lohan smirks while Kennedy Street is all fired up, she rolls her eyes again, sipping the wine, before turning back to the camera. Annoyed by what she heard from Tremor; she now focuses on the rest of the match. Brushing her hair back and speaking…


“That little cunt is even lucky that she gets to brush against my fame. To think that Kennedy was brought in here to help her, to give these nobodies some exposure with the exception of Kim and Adam, give me a break. This company cannot exist without Kennedy Street, they wanted me on the PPV, so here she is, deal with it, suddenly this Eight Person Tag has become Main Event Quality the second my name was mentioned to join it. Kennie should be insulted, seriously but instead here she is doing you all a favor by making this mean something more than filler….

… and so, what are you then,. G-Money, honey.

With your honey also in tow, wanted to be a wrestler because you basically failed in everything else, betting this is a huge moment for you, right? In the ring with Kennedy Street? Was this your childhood fantasy come true honey? Did you finally get to be with someone the likes of Main Event Kennie. It’s a shame that you’re teaming with that bitter crusty old fart, Adam Allocco, it really is for if you listen to him I am past my prime?


Imagine that old geezer telling moi that my skin is leather, do you agree G-Money? Kennie doesn’t know anything about you and to be frank, really don’t care either, but what you represent is my opponent and since you like Jessica Tremor there wanting so badly to have the SCW roster look at you two as legit future stars, with a name like that? You’re bound to fail, that doesn’t mean you will, but here’s the thing, Kennedy Street? She doesn’t give up her spot for anyone. Do you think this Sexy Flawless Diva is past her prime too? That’s what is wrong with this business wand why I came back G-Money, to help it grow, it became stale, the same wrestlers at the very top, it became a monopoly and worst of all, honey?

None of them were me.

It was lacking, but the SCW went out and signed some fresh and young talent, they are basically all in this match now, and the best part about this? Is kicking a dose of reality in each one of your faces. Yes, even your cute little nogging, G. Maybe you will get it, maybe you won’t, but one thing is for sure honey….

… nobody beats Kennedy Street, especially you four.

Which leaves the elderly for last, and honestly not really have much to say to Bison other than you’re ugly, stupid and sweaty. Seriously, when you see me in the ring, do not tag, stay on the apron, the last thing I need is to get all that oily, greasy perspiration all over me, its disgusting. Bhut then there is you Adam, no Kennedy Street was not pinned by you, you were pinned by ME. You lost, this Diva won, the referee even raised my hand in victory, remember? How can we forget all those nice things you said about me? There was something that you said, sick of being the joke. What if you are and the punchline, honey? Personally, if you have a drinking problem that is on you, couldn’t give a care or waste my time trying. Do you want to know why you hate me so much? Wish that I never came back, call me creepy, old, claim to think that while yes, being over thirty is a drag, it’s not a death sentence or some sort of creed of being over the hill, you are. Where do you get these accusations that Kennedy Street is trying to act like a fourteen-year-old? Maybe because you’re practically mummified that it’s the equivalent of me being fourteen, but which one is really creepier?

Accept it Adam, you LOST to Kennedy Street, even after trying to basically defame me at every chance because the real simp here is you with Holly and any other ass that actually gives you any sort of attention, we need to ask ourselves, why are we here right now? Your own teammates are talking shit about Adam, they know the shitty person that you are. It never changed, but jealousy?

Oh, that is a fickle bitch just like Kennie.

What you want and need is that Kennedy Street is just here as a supporting character, that the SCW much like the earthquake girl was saying earlier this company doesn’t see my value, that is why Kennie is one of the highest paid wrestlers in this promotion, but you already knew that. What you have been relegated to is the old man in the box, the sad veteran that has fallen on hard times, needing to find his way home, it would actually make for a good movie script, but then flop at the box office, like your career.

Adam, you’re the last person who needs to pass judgment on me, doing everything this company has asked of Kennedy Street, always a company woman, pulling the corporate line, anything and everything to show my loyalty, but you’re going to try and malign my accomplishments and smear my name? Why? Because you’re jealous honey. All those years and look at you, walking around with a Russian mail order hooker, some Troglodyte that can barely put three sentences together and all you care about is swindling. The bottom of the bottle must be dry honey, because even on my worst day, Kennedy Street will never be like you and wished for even one night that your name was Jonathan Knots.

Come tomorrow night, Kennedy Street is going to steal the show. The Lich House and Kimberly Williams will be right there with me when they raise my hand in victory after getting the 1-2-3. Not Jessica Tremor, not G-Money and not the Golden Boys. All of you should be feeling blessed right now, to know that you will be stepping into a ring with me, but at the same time, don’t want anyone to be too starstruck…

…. For this is your Sexy Flawless Diva, and what does that mean, Brittany?”

“Kennie is Cash.”

“What she said. Ta Ta honey.”


With a smug look on her face, Kennedy smiles and sips her wine before pressing her hands on those plump lips and blowing a kiss.




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