The Scene Opens….


The Cathedral of Learning, a Pittsburgh landmark listed in the National Register of Historic Places, is the centerpiece of the University of Pittsburgh’s main campus in the Oakland neighborhood of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Standing at 535 feet, the 42-story Late Gothic Revival Cathedral is the tallest educational building in the Western hemisphere and the second tallest university building (fourth tallest educationally-purposed building) in the world. It is also the second tallest gothic-styled building in the world. The Cathedral of Learning was commissioned in 1921 and ground was broken in 1926. The first class was held in the building in 1931 and its exterior finished in October 1934, prior to its formal dedication in June 1937.

Colloquially referred to as “Cathy” by some Pitt students, the Cathedral of Learning is a steel frame structure overlaid with Indiana limestone and contains more than 2,000 rooms and windows. It functions as a primary classroom and administrative center of the university and is home to the Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences, the School of Social Work, and many of its departments, as well as the University Honors College. It houses many specialty spaces, including a studio theater, food court, study lounges, offices, computer and language labs, 30 Nationality Rooms, and a 1⁄2-acre, 4-story-high, vaulted, gothic study and event hall. The building contains noted examples of stained glass, stone, wood, and iron work and is often used by the university in photographs, postcards, and other advertisements.

Here is where we find Kennedy Street, the former World Champion and Sexy Flawless Diva of the SCW. It has been an up and down road for Kennedy since Rise to Greatness where she finally reached the pinnacle of her career and walked out victorious in the Main Event defeating the white hot, Giovanni Aries. Kennedy was ready to start out the new season of the SCW with a bang, what she didn’t expect was like a firecracker blowing up in her face, accepting the challenge of Sienna Swann, the number one contender and losing to her in shocking fashion after TWO big knees of a “Kiss By An Angel”. Kennedy was stunned and had it been the Keenie of old, she would not have recovered so quickly. She had her down time, going through the different stages, feeling embarrassed for letting down those she loved so she made a dedication, a commitment to fight for them and the next week, defeat Bree Lancaster, the United States Champion for those that she hurt and for the ones Kennedy herself let down. That was a statement match and so is this one. Teaming with her old tag team champion partner, Dawn Lohan and with her sister, Abigail Lindsay, the gorgeous Street will get her chance at a little revenge against the current World Champion, Sienna Swann and the Truelove Twins, a chance to finally show that she deserves a rematch. Wearing designer jeans and a white halter top, matching peep toe pumps with her nails polished white and long blonde hair hanging down, she turns and nods…




As it starts to record, Kennedy’s mesmerizing green eyes glare into the camera, speaking in her sexy voice….


KennedyCastPic-Kennedy2“The Cathedral of Learning, the centerpiece in the University of Pittsburgh. The name draws me here honey, a place where students come to congregate in these special years before going out to the real world. For me, the word learning is key here, isn’t that what we are always doing, the day we stop is the day I might as well bury myself and call it a life. I didn’t always see it that way though, there was a time when I was not learning a damn thing honey, I thought I knew it all which was the biggest joke of it all. It took me some time and humility to finally start realizing I needed to be taught some more lessons like the one a few weeks ago when you ride so high on this Cloud 9, coming off a huge win, thinking you’re untouchable while sitting at the top of the mountain so proud of your accomplishments and suddenly in an instance?

An “Angel” takes it all away.

That hurt, I’m not going to lie, and I mean more than the two knees to the jaw which knocked me out. I was slow, I could have done better, maybe I was a little overconfident, what matters is everything that happened falls on my shoulders, it was my fault. Sienna Swann was ready, she had the title in her cross hairs, she wanted it more than anything and I’m a fighting Champion, facts remain, she won and I lost so I had to do something, seeing Bree Lancaster as my next opponent was more than momentum, more than just a huge win, it was personal no matter how much she downplays what I did on that night, I continued to prove I’m on the top of my game and that one hiccup, stumbling out of the gates, I needed to get back on track. Bree is a future World Champion, her attitude and overall demeanor sucks, honey.

Let’s face it, she’s a bitch.

That didn’t seem to matter though, Bree will do what she wants and as United States Champion, maybe I caught her in a hangover from RTG XV, I don’t know. I made a promise to all my fans, those that continue to believe in me, the people I let down and disappointed, I won’t do it again. I used to fight for myself, no one else, never seeing what is in front of me, the kids, the fans who truly believe in Kennedy Street, that’s where you fail at Bree, you don’t see what this is about, the power they have on us, I took and embraced it, it helped me stay focused, show what happened with Sienna is an anomaly, she caught me, she will NOT do it again. I hope I get the chance, the opportunity, for now though Bree, I want that loss to fester a little, maybe you can learn something from it and be the great champion you’re capable of and not the bitter prude you’ve become honey. I will never take away from your talent, I’ve felt your spear almost knocking me out of my boots, I know one day you will reach the top.

Just remember this….

Long as I have blood pumping in my veins, I will always stand across from you ready to humble you again and again until you finally get it right for I will not stop until I’m a World Champion again.

Were you watching Sienna?


Good because come this Breakdown I get to team up with my former tag team partner and good friend, Dawn Lohan with her sister Abigail Lindsay facing you and the Truelove Twins with another chance to pick up a little more momentum and solidify my argument that I should get my chance to win the title back, honey.”


After facing Bree Lancaster last week in a hot contested match where Bree took the early lead and Kennedy fought back like she has the past two years proving once again just how determined and focused she is looking to get her title belt back. The Sexy Flawless Diva was humbled a few weeks ago in Raleigh, coming into Vegas where she had been involved in some debauchery in the past, she put it all behind her and defeated Bree, the current United States Champion. She now is ready for the next challenge and make a huge impact on the expense of the World Champion. She continues to speak.….


“This match is so important on all levels, we have six women ready to kill one another for their respective titles. It’s also very special for me, I get to team up with one of my best friends and a woman I held the tag titles with on two separate occasions. Dawn and I didn’t have the best of splits, I allowed my jealousy and hunger for the World Title put a wedge between the two of us, for years we battled, we called each other so many hateful names, I took responsibility for that, let’s face it, I wasn’t in a good place and took it out of Dawn. It’s been three years since the last time we were on the same side, besides Tactical Warfare last year that saw the end of Punk Hazard as we know it. I cherish the moments we get to spend together, she was one of my bridesmaids, it was nice to see Dawn and Abigail become the Tag Team Champions at RTG XV, they deserved it. As for Abigail Lindsay, I knew her through Alana Starr, she wasn’t always a saint but who was when it came to us right?

Abigail is very eccentric honey and that’s why we all love her.

She’s come a long way from the IWC, to see her in an SCW ring is a pleasure especially supporting Dawn, it’s why they wear the gold. Both Dawn and Abigail compliment each other, two strong women that I am honored to tag with here in Pittsburgh, it gives us a chance to have some fun while sending a message to this “Beauty Factory”, the road to the gold is through us and yes, even you Sienna who is on borrowed time. It’s nice to have two people that I know will have my back and I will always have theirs, it’s like a family and all three of us know what is at stake, every match, every fight, every chance we have is to show just how far we have come….

Isn’t that right Beauty Factory?

Laura Steinbeck, I’m going to address you, see honey, you have an eye for beauty, a very smart woman who understands the wrestling business now, coming so far from last year, watching Sienna Swann grow under your tutelage, the Truelove Twins who wrestled with me in NEWA and the SWA years ago before they disappeared, I saw them as the future in the tag team division and here they are once again. Back then? They were young like me, not even old enough to drink, it was a different time and place, dominated by males, it’s changed. You have created an empire, I admire that but let’s not get too carried away, what I don’t admire is the way you try to pay people off to do your dirty work. I know a

Thing or two about that honey, it’s a fool’s way to go about it and what happened?

The Twins were exposed by Lohan Country.

They are talented, win the titles on their own or at least could have, the partners I have though? Different story, at their best right now and even with a loss to Sienna? So am I. London and Paris being beautiful, a great tag team who could be dominant, I see what you’re doing down in EMERGE with Jennifer Helms and Willow Wilkes. Outside the business with Ricky Octavius and Jason King, it’s scary what you’ve done in the same time I decided to change my ways…..

Yet we can both look we where we are. See, Laura, a few weeks ago Sienna surprised you by challenging me, you didn’t seem to be too pleased about it and I can’t really blame you for that. In the end it worked out, don’t think for one second I didn’t catch the replay and watch you taking pictures of Sienna and The Twins while I laid unconscious in the ring…..

I will NEVER forget the image honey.”


Kennedy starts to walk the campus in front of the Cathedral of Learning. The Sexy Flawless Diva has learned her lesson, she was caught napping, maybe a bit overzealous, so she needed to reel things back a little and correct the ship. Beating Bree Lancaster brought her confidence back, she thought maybe this was her decline, no, she is still at the top of her game, Sienna took advantage and now Kennedy wants to take it back. The Truelove Twins and the Iron Angel will look to bury her challenge and with others in the wings ready to step up, Kennedy needs to stay focused. She stops and turns to the camera, her green eyes glaring….


“Which brings me to you Sienna Swann. Sienna, you and I have taken a similar road to get here. We both battled our way up the ranks, fought for the chance to be a World Champion. I didn’t think I’d ever get the chance the first time, I did and when I became the World Champion, I ruined the title and my reign. The last two years I dedicated myself to be a World Champion again, Dark Fantasy’s little plan backfired, I don’t think there is any love lost there with you and them either honey so I’m pretty sure you can appreciate that. Here’s the thing, that title you wear, I was proud of being the Champion. No one can deny what I have done, who I beat and what I accomplished, silencing all my doubters….

Just like you have.

Do you remember the night Blake Mason hit the piledriver, how scared you were that mobility may never come back? I was in a situation like that too and it took me months to recover, I questioned whether I was ever going to step in the ring again. There was a fear, maybe it was best I walked away but I didn’t. Had I? I would have missed these moments in my life, the people I met, the ones I fought, the friends I made, the love I found and the fans who support me. I didn’t let it sour me, my own fears of never being at the top did…..

Just like you have.

We all know that in this business it’s lonely at the top, we may never experience that, it’s what scared the living crap out of me. That night at Hell Hath No fury, I bled against Donovan Kayl. I was ready to bleed out because I felt I needed to prove to everyone I was willing to change. You did, coming back angry and bitter. Something wasn’t right with you and in that time, you became a dual champion, held the Women’s title for some time, revolutionized the Division, this was all because you were focused and when Laura came on board, after some rough patches, Sienna, you ascended. Became the Iron Angel, beat Selena Frost and Kelcey Wallace, lasted 70 Minutes in Taking Hold of the Flame, all you needed was a chance and you did that at RTG XV. The title matches you earned honey, no one is ever going to dispute it. You made the climb, broke thru to the Main Event, did exactly what you set out to do and I was in my own little world so happy to finally get the monkey off my back that for a split second?

I let you slip through the cracks.

I am not taking anything away from you Sienna, you are the best athlete in the SCW, you are a beautiful woman with endless talent, yet you are missing something that you once had honey….


That gold around your waist put me in a trance, that is all I wanted was to wear it, taking losing it to finally understand what it meant, and it is different for all of us honey. How many years did it take? The criticism that you’re just another pretty face, a model? Eye candy? These days you embraced that like Keenie did, it was my excuse for I didn’t want to face the cold hard facts, I was shallow, pictures, the spotlight, all that came with the title was what I wanted and now here you are with it, doing the exact same thing, showing it off in magazine covers, let the world see the TRUE Sienna Swann? Well, I want you to learn something from this too Sienna, from MY mistakes…..

Like the one you’re about to make.”


Her eyes narrow, Kennedy stands her ground, ready to deliver her stern warning and while this may not be for the World Championship, this is a chance to get a little payback but most of all send the clear message to Swann that she is not going away, she will get her rematch somehow, some time, some where and this match will be the message sent loud and clear to Sienna, Laura and The Truelove Twins. She takes a second to compose herself before speaking….


“Oh Ladies….

If anyone knows how you operate it’s me. Sienna, you are the World Champion right now, all I can do is ready myself for the match tomorrow night with my tag team partners and fight alongside them to the bitter end. I am proud of what I accomplished but planned to do a lot more, hitting a snag and now trying to find a way to right the ship. Ask your bestie, Bree Lancaster just how serious I am? As Regan. Ask the Twins they know me well enough and seen to what lengths I’d go to show these fans, my friends, family and this company I’m NOT going anywhere, honey! I’m glad you made it, I really am Sienna but let’s be truthful here, your attitude sucks and this goes far beyond our match in Raleigh, it goes back to the days we challenged one another on stripper poles, remember? Trust me, I try to forget.

It’s not about looks or sexiness, it’s not for lust or pleasure….

No, something more important than that which you are severely lacking….

Respect for me, the Championship and the little girls who I promised something special last week and now this week. For come Breakdown two things will happen?

You’ll get a much-needed Touch of Class you dodged last time and finally?

The night will end only one way….

With a Flawless Victory.”


Kennedy flings her hair back and arches her eyebrow….


“Namaste, Beauty Factory.”


… and blowing a kiss before walking off camera….





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